Part 32

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Bailey came back & sat at the table with a plate of food in her hand.
"You can go get your food now." Bailey replied.
"I'll wait a little until it's not really crowded." Carolyn said.
Bailey started to reach down for her phone. Carolyn hurried & grabbed Bailey's hand.
"What are you doing?" Carolyn asked.
"No what are you doing? I'm trying to get my phone." Bailey said.
"No... um come with me to get some food." Carolyn said.
"Why? You can go by yourself." Bailey said.
"Ugh never mind for get it. I'll go get me some food." Carolyn said & walked off to go get some food.
Bailey's P.O.V.
What is wrong with Carolyn? Why is she acting so strange? I grabbed my phone & found the answer. Why would she send him this? He replied back saying "What?" I texted him back letting him know that Carolyn said that, not me. He replied back saying "I know that was her you would never say nothing like that besides.. your mine. ♥️" Yes I have been talking to Trevor. He is such a big flirt but i always have to remind him that i'm with Jacob. Yes Trevor is really sweet & nice & handsome but i really do like Jacob. Me & Carolyn soon got finish eating & left the chinese buffet. Tonight I was going out with Tai to have a couple of drinks & catch up. As soon as we got home I laid out my clothes i was going to wear when I go out with Tai.
"Where are you going?" Carolyn asked.
"Out with Tai tonight. Why?" Bailey asked.
"Nothing.. I'm just asking.. Why can't i come?" Carolyn asked.
"Cause it's just me & her. We are just going out for drinks & catch up." Bailey said.
"You like her?" Carolyn said.
"No she's just my friend Carolyn!" Bailey annoyed said laying down her dress she was going to wear tonight on the chair next to the closet.
Carolyn always asked a question like that everytime i say i'm going out with somebody that's a girl.
"Oh..." Carolyn said.
"Yeah. You going to stay here while i go out?" Bailey asked.
"Yeah i have no where else to go." Carolyn said.
"Yeah Trevor is about to come over so be on your best behavior." Bailey said.
"Why the f*** is he coming over here?' Carolyn asked.
"Because he can but it's not like that. He just coming over to chill." Bailey said.
"Mhmmm... yeah right.." Carolyn said under breath.
"Just stay up here okay?" Bailey said.
A few minutes later Trevor came over & him & Bailey were downstairs. They were chatting & laughing. Caroyln didn't like that at all. She came out of the room & peeked downstairs to see what Bailey & Trevor were doing. She seen Bailey with her head on Trevor's chest while Trevor was layed back on the couch. he had his arm wrapped around her.
"BAILEY!" Carolyn screamed coming downstairs.
She screamed so loud that it scared the both of them & they both sat up.
"Carolyn i told you to stay upstairs!" Bailey said annoyed.
"Well i was bored so i came down here." Carolyn said sitting on the couch with Bailey & Trevor.
"Bruh! Can you move Carolyn?" Trevor said.
"Uh.. No! I'm not!" Carolyn said.
Trevor got up off the couch & sat on the other couch.
"Carolyn just go back upstairs. I'll be up in a minute." Bailey said.
"You know what i'll just leave since i'm such a bother!" Carolyn said leaving out the house & slamming the door.
Trevor came back on the couch & sat back by Bailey.
"Finally! She is gone. She's so annoying! I swear i don't like that girl Bailey. Why do she even stay here anyway?" Trevor asked.
"Long story short her boyfriend well ex boyfriend was supposely hitting on her like abuse. She came to me crying asking if she could stay she showed me the marks & everything. They looked pretty bad but when we asked him if he hit her he said he never layed a finger on her." Bailey said.
"Then who was supposely abusing her?" Trevor asked.
"I never knew who." Bailey said.
"Well we need to find out so she can get out of here & go by her business." Trevor said.
"But I don't want to just kick her out Trevor." Bailey said.
"Well do something Bailey. I know she is annoying to you too." Trevor said.
"But she's my friend.." Bailey said.
"I understand but it's whatever man." Trevor said.
It got silent then Trevor broke the silence.
"You wanna go upstairs since she's gone?" Trevor asked.
"& do what?" Bailey asked.
Trevor got off the couch & picked Bailey up from the couch.
"What are you doing Trevor?" Bailey yelled.
"I'll saw you.." Trevor said.
Trevor walked upstairs to Bailey's room still carrying her. Once they reached her room Trevor threw her down on the bed then he closed the door.
"What are you doing Trevor?" Bailey asked sturn.
"Nothing.. so chill out. Scary ass!" Trevor said.
"Scared of what?" Bailey asked.
"Of me." Trevor said with a smirk.
"I'm not scared of you." Bailey said.
"Fight me.." Trevor said.
Bailey got off the bed & playfully started swinging at him. Trevor picked her up & dropped her on the bed. He then pins her down on the bed.
"Let me go Trevor!" Bailey pleaded.
"Naw.." He said.
"Let me go! I was winning!" Bailey said laughing & struggling to get out of his grip.
"Under one condition.." Trevor said.
"What?" Bailey asked.
"You let me do this.." Trevor began to say & leaned in slowly to kiss Bailey.
Bailey didn't know what to do. She didn't know whether to kiss him back or reject the kiss. She then thought about Jacob, his smile, his laugh & even his kisses. She didn't want to give that all up. Bailey then moved her face out of the way. Trevor tried to kiss her again but Bailey refused again.
"Why are you not kissing me?" Trevor asked.
"Trevor you know I'm with Jacob. I can't do this." Bailey said.
"But he's all away in another state right now.." Trevor said.
"But I don't want to cheat him. I bet he's being faithful to me." Bailey asked.
"But you know I like you Bailey.. I know we have some type of connection." Trevor said.
"A friendly type connection Trevor." Bailey said.
"Oh.." Trevor said & got up from off of Bailey.
Bailey sat up.
"I'm sorry Trevor but all we can ever have is a friendship. I'm with Jacob & that's how it's going to be." Bailey said.
Trevor didn't say nothing which made Bailey feel bad.
"Trevor?" Bailey said.
"You know what it's fine Bailey. It's fine I know you really like Jacob. It's really fine." Trevor said.
"Are you sure?" Bailey asked.
"I'm positive Bailey! I really am." He said.
He got up off of Bailey's bed & went downstairs.
"Where are you going Trevor?" Bailey asked.
"No where.." Trevor said.
"Then don't leave!" Bailey said.
"Why shouldn't I?" Trevor asked leaving out the front door heading towards his car.
"Because I don't want you to leave yet." Bailey said.
Trevor got in his car & shut the door. He didn't say nothing.
"Trevor?!" Bailey yelled.
Trevor drove off.
Bailey yelled his name one last time & sighed.
"Why did that had to happen?" Bailey asked herself.
She went inside & looked at the time. It was almost time for her to go meet up with Tai. She hurried up took a shower, did her hair, applied a small amount of makeup & put on her clothes. She took her sister's car & left the house.

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