Chapter 14: Undercover or Vacation? The Oceanside Mission Begins

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"Is everyone here?" Tsunade asked. She looked around, tallying off the teen shinobi filling her office. Naruto took note of the 7 Chunin present. Tenten was standing next to Tsunade's desk, while Ino, Shikamaru, Choji, Rock Lee, Sakura, and Hinata stood against the wall. Also present were the newly promoted Iruka, and a twenty-something kunoichi. She had long purple hair and deep purple eyes. Naruto thought she looked familiar, but could not recall her name or where he had seen her before.

"We can begin then," the Hokage continued, "As you may know, Tenten has been on a mission for the past month. I can now tell you that she has been undercover, as a high school student. We have heard rumors of an attempt to kidnap the daughter of the Daimyo of the Land of Fire. So, Tenten was sent to pose as an exchange student. And sure enough, she was able to thwart an attempt to take the girl."

Their leader leaned forward with a fierce look, "But it turns out that the abduction Tenten stopped was not the real plan. Instead, it was one of the underlings, trying to kiss up to his boss. Unfortunately, he is too much of a peon to know who is orchestrating this crime, but he did know when the real kidnapping is to take place."

She leaned back again, with a slight grin, "The Daimyo's daughter is going on a school trip to Daikaiyo Villa in the Land of Waves. They will be outside the Land of Fire, and are not the only school visiting. All of you will be going undercover as Tenten's classmates. Iruka and Yugao will be leading the mission, and taking the role of your teaching chaperones."

"Does this really take ten ninja?" Shikamaru asked.

"Probably not," Tsunade agreed, "But this is politics. The fact that there was one attack means the threat is real. And this is the daughter of the ruler of our country, so a show of force and commitment is called for. Also, we need to send enough bodies to maintain the appearance of a real group of high school students on a trip."

"Then why not include Kiba, Neji, and Shino," Hinata asked.

"Kiba's clan markings are too obvious, and the hotel doesn't allow pets anyways. Neji has his cursed seal," Hinata flinched when the Sannin said that, "and there is a reason Shino is always covered from the neck down. All of you will need to pass as civilians, and without using jutsu. Which reminds me," she drew a small case out of her desk, and tossed it to Hinata.

"Colored contacts," the leader of the Konoha explained.

"Based on the skill of criminal we caught, this will probably be an easy mission," the Hokage offered, "And most of you are in need a vacation. Take turns watching the girl, but also get some rest and have some fun."

"And I shouldn't need to remind you of this, but it is an undercover mission, so no headbands, minimal weapons, and only civilian clothes and swimsuits."

Hinata's head jerked up at that, and she quickly hid a look of terror. But a certain sharp-eyed blond caught the reaction.

"You leave tomorrow afternoon, so you will need to be ready then. All of you are dismissed, except for Naruto and Iruka."

After the others had shuffled out, the Hokage addressed Naruto.

"Naruto, this is your first undercover assignment," she watched him with concern, "And to be honest, I'm not sure I trust you not to mess it up."

"So, you're gonna ask Iruka-sensei to keep an extra eye on me."

"Naruto," his teacher chided his lack of respect.

"No, that goes without saying," the Hokage grinned, "No I have a special mission for the two of you before you go."

"Really?" the Genin got excited, "What is it?"

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