Chapter 52: The Last Son of the Uchiha

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With Sasuke still screaming for his former mentor to stop, Orochimaru charged forward. His stolen Sharingan was active, ad he was signing his first jutsu.

"Ninja Art: Claws to Fangs Jutsu," the serpent user quickly invoked; just before he reached Itachi. The Sannin's fingernails grew long and narrow, like a snake's fangs. During the quick exchange of Taijutsu, Orochimaru was able to stab into Itachi's right thigh and scrape the back of the true Uchiha's left hand. Then Jiraiya closed the gap, and Orochimaru was forced to shift his focus. But the false traitor could not take advantage of the distraction, as he grew weak and light headed.

"Go ahead, take your antivenin pill," the body thief prompted, "My technique replicates the venom of four different snakes. They are not the most deadly, but they are exceedingly rare. So I am looking forward to finding out how well they stand up to the Akatsuki's medicine."

"You planned this, didn't you?" Jiraiya accused angrily, aiming his left fist at Sasuke's neck, "You could have attacked Itachi at any time, but you waited until he was meeting with me. You wanted Sasuke to learn the truth, to break his spirit."

"I did owe him for trapping me those few months," Orochimaru shrugged, unconcerned, "And this trip down memory lane also distracted Itachi. So really, it served a double purpose. Getting to dismantle you with my new body is just a side benefit."

Orochimaru's feet shifted oddly as he avoided the old pervert's kick at his waist. Jiraiya launched another kick at Orochimaru's head; putting his right hand behind his body, presumably to balance the high kick, hut in reality to conceal the build up of chakra over his palm. The teenage body shuffled around, and grabbed the white-haired Sannin's left wrist, preventing Jiraiya from using the Rasengan.

"A lethal attack?" the snake summoner feigned hurt, "You would use a lethal attack against poor Sasuke?"

He twisted Jiraiya hand back with chakra increased strength, forcing the spiraling sphere perilously close to the elder warrior's spine. The Toad Sage was forced to cancel the jutsu to avoid crippling himself.

"I'd rather not kill Sasuke," the Sage conceded, "But if you manage to kill Itachi, Sasuke becomes a lost cause. If forced to make the choice, I'll keep the loyal brother alive."

Jiraiya crouched, and then jumped high, pulling free from Orochimaru's grasp. Itachi finally managed to extract the curative tablet from his belt pouch, despite the numbness in his fingers. He swallowed the drug, and backed up to a tree, hoping the antidote could cleanse his system. After the Toad Sage hopped out of his grasp, the snake user used the same momentum to divert his attention back to his 'older brother'. But the Fourth Hokage's teacher twisted in mid air, already signing.

"Earth Style: Swallowing Land Jutsu," he proclaimed. The ground around Orochimaru split like a giant set of jaws, and closed around him, sucking him into the dirt. The ground began to shake, and Sasuke's left hand exploded forth, wrapped in lightning. The rest of the hijacked body followed.

"You know the Chidori?" Jiraiya exclaimed in amazement.

"Of course," the serpent hissed, pityingly, "I know all of little Sasuke's techniques."

Kakashi's technique still active, Orochimaru continued his charge to the slowly recovering Itachi. The antivenin was taking hold, but neither fast enough nor thoroughly enough for the double agent's taste.

"Summoning Art: Toad Flare Wall." Two toads appeared in mid air, one on either side of Jiraiya. They quickly set down twin lines of oil between Orochimaru and his target. Then their human partner sent out a spark, causing the liquid to erupt into a giant barrier of flames. The amphibians vanished as Orochimaru skidded to a halt, just short of the towering fire. He glanced up at Jiraiya, and smirked before striding into the flames.

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