❧〘Doctor Who? Pt.2〙❧

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        The TARDIS started appearing somewhere, also known as London, England, but they are not in Katsuki's time line. It randomly appears on the street, but no one seed to look at it for some reason.

Opening the door to the TARDIS, (Y/n) hopped out, her umbrella in hand. "Hello 1950's!"

"Are you sure we're even dressed correctly for this time line? Women weren't supposed to wear clothes that showed so much skin like that." Katsuki asked, standing at the door way of the TARDIS.

The TARDIS thought it would be funny to do something to him. So, it closed the door, smacking Katsuki out of the door way, and locked itself closed so he couldn't go back in.

"What the fuck was that for you hunk of junk?! Open the damn door right now and face me!" Katsuki yelled, kicking the door to the TARDIS, trying to break it open.

"That hunk of junk had managed to get us here, be grateful. As for our clothing, I didn't have something for the 1950's for us to wear. Those had gotten burned when the 1940's had happened." (Y/n) smiled, waving the subject off like it was nothing.

"That the fuck were you doing at that time?" Katsuki asked, giving the TARDIS one last kick, before he started following (Y/n) to wherever she was going.

"Oh, you know, you just having a meeting with the current monarch of that time. George the 6th." (Y/n) smiled, walking on the cobble stone street, swing her umbrella in her hand, smiling.

"Just how many royals have you met?" Katsuki asked, hands in his pockets. Spending almost 2 hours with her, he's gotten used to her behavior.

"Well, I did meet Marie Antoinette." (Y/n) said, stopping in her tracks, one arm to rest her other, that held her chin in wonder. "Everyone in the more poor areas hated her, there wasn't any bread for them. Poor them." (Y/n) shrugged, and started walking again, swinging her umbrella in her hand once again. "She was a turgid person anyways."

"What the fuck does that mean?" Katsuki asked, not believing he's heard a word like that before.

"It means someones who's stuck up, pompous, arrogant, snobby. Basically an asshole or a jackass." (Y/n) smiled, giving the definition with a smile on her face, like she's called someone that before. "That was a word to describe her perfectly."

"Uh...ok? By the way, what's your name again?" Katsuki asked, not remembering if she had told him her name.

"Oh! That's right! Just call me Doctor!" (Y/n) smiled, jumping over a small puddle.

"And why the fuck would I call you 'Doctor'? What are you even a doctor of?" Katsuki asked, unsure of what she was saying she was.

"I'm actually a doctor of a lot of things!" (Y/n) smiled, before she pressed the button on her umbrella, and started scanning around her, looking for something to give her a clue with what is going on and why she was brought to that time line. Looking at her readings, there was nothing so far. 'We man. There is't anything interesting there."

"Well then what the fuck are we going to do? If there's no crazy adventure you had promised me, then I want to go home." Katsuki said, crossing his arms and stood in place, refusing to go any further if there was nothing exciting.

"Oh you are such a stubborn man." (Y/n) smiled, hitting him lightly with the hook of her umbrella. "Now please follow me, I want to see if something is still around."

The two had walked around London just for a little while longer, before they had found themselves at Big Ben. (Y/n) smiled, but she had then frowned. "Awe! I haven't found anything that could help us find a fun adventure! So many things are against me right now."

"Oh cut your shitty complaining. There is nothing wrong right now, you just don't know a good adventure unless it had kicked you in the ass. So just find something, or take me back to my time. I don't wanna deal with your complaining any longer." Katsuki said, sighing. He really thought he was going to get an adventure, but he has been let down. Poor Katsuki.

"You sir, are the one who does not know an adventure unless it had bitten you in the butt. Now then, if you don't mind, could you please follow me. I want to go to the museum." (Y/n) smiled, walking towards the National History Museum. "I want to see if there is anything history has of mine and see if I want it back."

"Why the hell would a museum have something of yours?" Katuki asked, following her.

"People in history tend to take my things without asking, along with borrowing them and never returning them." (Y/n) shrugged, doing a small little skip in her steps.

"What the fu-" Katsuki was about to swear, before (Y/n) hit him on the top of the head with the hook of her umbrella. "No swearing. What have I told you young man?"

"You're younger than me!" Katsuki yelled, about to strangle her, before (Y/n) hooked the umbrella around his neck, and brought him down to her level (sorry if you're taller than him).

"Listen to me, I am older than you by many, many, many years. I've lived even before human kind was even round, so I suggest you do not try and insult a Time Lord who obviously knows more than you." (Y/n) threatened, before she unhooked her umbrella, and started walking again, the skip in her step gone, while her umbrella was hooked on her forearm. "Now then, come young Bakugou. We have some history to look for."

"Just who the fuck is she...?" Katsuki asked himself, and just following her.

"Wrong! Wrong! Wrong! Wrong! Why is everything in this museum so wrong?! That's mine! That's mine! Oh come on I was looking for that thing for years!" (Y/n) yelled, walking around, and looking at all of the things in glass cases, feeling like everything in human history has gone wrong.

"What the hell are you even talking about? How is this all wrong? It's history, there's been research proving all of that being right." Katsuki argued, looking at something (Y/n) said was hers.

"Because they changed the history and science of it so no one would know the truth. Duh." (Y/n) said, hitting him on the top of the head with her umbrella, and look around more. "Now then, there isn't much more here- Oh my goodness gracious why is this here?!"

"What the fuck are you even talking about?" Katsuki asked, looking at something that just looked like a box.

"This was something most ships had attached to it. It would go back to the mother planet and show them what had happened to the ship before it was destroyed. I forgot what it was originally called, they go by so many names now days." (Y/n) shrugged, before walking over to the box, and got on the tips of her toes, looking at what was written on top. Already, (Y/n)'s face frowned, before she sighed, resting her head on the glass box around the box.

"What's wrong Doc? See something wrong?" Katsuki asked, looking at the box as well. "It's just some strange language, what is it supposed to mean?"

"It says...'hey sweetie'..."

​​​​​​​Sorry for no cannon chapter. School and stuff has been making things really busy for me, and I haven't had much of a chance to make a canon chapter. Hope you all enjoyed, and yes, there is going to be a part 3! But that will be a while cause I have other plans! Bye!

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