I am but a shadow and you are light

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 In the middle of the vast land of Central City, our tragedy evolves. The falling snow was covering houses and buildings. It was hard to walk but Shadow made it a priority to see her.

He had a rough week and had no inspiration whatsoever and it was weird even for him to be in such state

"Look at that scar, no wonder he is always in a bad mood...He knows he is going to end up alone."

"And those horrible red eyes! He is the son of the devil!

"He is just...so ugly!"

Shadow really tried not to let those things get to him. He would try and own his defects. His scar that marked his face permanently and his red eyes that were frown upon by everyone.

And he accepted the fact that no person would ever fall in love with him.

"Hey, Shadow!"

His inspiration came back to him as soon as he saw her.

How beautiful she looks under the moonlight. She was the fairest of the fairest. Her graceful self moved along the rhythm of the falling snow and-

"Shadow, are you alright?"

Oh, shoot! He let his mind wander off.

"Yes, I am alright. How are you?"

"I am ok but I've been hearing some rumors that a war may break out soon...it's kinda been on my mind."

Shadow walked alongside Amy. Never touching her, he didn't want her to be disgusted by him.

"Don't worry about it, as long as I am with G.U.N., nothing like that will happen." He reassured her. Shadow was currently working for G.U.N for some time now. Shadow would get out of work at 7:00 PM. While Amy closed her coffee shop at 8:00 PM. Shadow walked every day ah hour so he could walk with Amy home. Of course, he could make it in a few minutes with his speed, but he preferred to walk by the flower shop and send some flowers to Amy anonymously.

"You are Shadow the Hedgehog, even if you weren't working for G.U.N., you would stop any war that's coming out way." Amy smiled at him and Shadow tried to hide his evident blush by covering himself with his scarf.

"Also, I heard rumors that G.U.N. called Sonic to the headquarters and well I was wondering if you-"

"Sonic's whereabouts is classified, only top agents know about that," Shadow said a bit disappointed that Amy wanted to talk about Sonic.

"Yes, that's why I am asking you since you are G.U.N's top agent..." Amy blinked cutely and smiled at him. "...Please?"

Shadow sighed, he just couldn't say no to her. "All I can say is that he will be arriving any minute now."

"Thank you, Shadow!" Amy added, "But, you said that there was nothing to worry about. That there would be no war...so why call Sonic?"

"G.U.N.'s protocol requires to take precaution. It's just in case anything happens but a way happening is very unlikely."

Shadow noticed that Amy's expression had changed. Her eyes looked down to the ground as she walked next to him. She was clearly worried,

"I promise you that even if there's a war, I'll stop it," Shadow said as he tried to cheer her up.

"That's not the thing...I am scared that you or Sonic...I am scared that something may happen to you both. Last time, you got that scar because of-"

"What happened that day wasn't your fault, it was mine...so don't feel bad."

The snow kept falling around them, getting heavier and heavier. The street bulbs were their only source of light. However, that was enough for Shadow to appreciate Amy's beauty.

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