By Accident

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When Rouge told Amy about the rumor that a hedgehog was being held captive at G.U.N's Prison Island, she didn't doubt that it was Sonic.

She knew that it was a crazy thought. Even the bat told her that Sonic couldn't be there because the base in Prison Island had been shut down a long time ago. Nothing could go in or out without a fight. Still, the pink hedgehog's mind was filled with the 'what if's.'

Amy hasn't seen Sonic for months and there was no news of him. She watched the TV, the radio and even looked online whenever she could just to see where he was. The doubt that Sonic was hurt somewhere in the world haunted her mind and there was nothing that would stop Amy Rose from finding out where the love of her life was.

It was an abandoned base, so how hard could it be? It was just a matter of getting in, check out if Sonic was there or not, and then get out.

Or at least that's what she thought. She had been followed by robots and had to destroy them. Lasers, bombs, and all other kinds of military weapons have been used against her. Even if this wasn't Sonic, what was G.U.N trying to hide so badly? She finally reached the main room. No robots were following her now. She walked around the large space of the room, amazed at how dusty it was. She let out a sneeze as she dusted off the control stand. Technology wasn't her forte and for a moment she wished she paid attention when Tails tried explaining her about computers, machines, and such. She pressed whatever buttons there was, yellow, green, red and nothing seemed to work. In the end, she was running out of time and patience. The pink hedgehog only wanted to see if Sonic was there or not. She took out her hammer and with all of her might, she smashed it against the panel control.

That did just the trick and she smiled as she noticed that something was coming out of the groud. A capsule raised up, almost touching the ceiling but then it came to a sudden stop. Amy continued to sneeze as the capsule had released a lot of dust and as it opened some type of fume was released as well.

Amy watched with amusement as a figure began to come out of the capsule. Her heartbeat began to raise and she twirled around in happiness at the figure above her.

"Sonic, I found you!" Amy screamed loud enough for her beloved to hear her. "Now come down here! What were you doing inside that thing?"

Amy kept her smile but it slowly began to disappeared when seconds passed and there was no answer coming from the blue one ... Was it blue?


"My name is Shadow,"

Alright, this was definitely not her Sonic. Now that her eyes were better adjusted to the darkness of the room, the figure on top of the capsule was a black and red hedgehog. His voice was deeper than Sonic's and Amy began to wonder just what in the world did she released upon herself?

"Since you were so kind to release me, my master ... I'll grant you one wish."

Amy gulped and suddenly she felt herself freeze as vermillion eyes stared at her. The stare pierced through her soul, her whole being felt electrified with such imposing manner from the black hedgehog. It was as if she was experiencing greatness without being part of it.

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