Author's Notes

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Hello everyone!

So, I really don't want to explain the format for this type of book again. Its the 3rd season of this show, if you're a regular reader you know how it goes.

Of course there will be some changes this season and I will address that when its time too.

For my new readers, you all have a loooooot of catching up to do. And I don't suggest you start by reading this book first.

This book is the fifth book of an ongoing WWETV series (basically I ripped off MTV). So to better understand the storylines and the characters I highly suggest you start with book 1 which is The Challenge Free Agents.

Anyway, here are some things you need to know before we get started though a lot of you may already know these things:

-Yes, I am using WWE characters but in this universe they are not wrestlers, just ordinary people with ordinary jobs.

-The characters are all in their 20's-30's.

-The characters arent allowed to use electronics while in The Challenge house. They are completely closed off from the outside world.

-I do take inspiration from actual WWE storylines and The Challenge storylines.

-I also take inspiration from real life things that happened to the WWE superstars.

-When you see:


That means whoever's name is seen is giving a video confessional, eg.-

GC-(Name) and (Name)-(Dialogue)

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GC-(Name) and (Name)-(Dialogue)

That means whoever's names are seen are both in the same video confessional room giving their video confessionals.

-This book is rated PG-16 as it contains alcohol use, implications of sexual acts, sexual language and explicit language. If you're not on board with that then....use your discretion.

-Some of the characters are based on their in ring personas while others are based on their real life personality.

-The way the characters are portrayed does not reflect on what I personally think of them. There are going to be good guys and bad guys.

-There are three main components to these Challenge books. Challenges, Eliminations and Filler Chapters. Filler Chapters are the chapters that I use to further storylines and create drama. Challenge chapters are by itself and so are Elimination chapters. 


Let me know your thoughts. What do you think the theme of this season is going to be and who do you hope to see apart of the cast. Also, who do you want to win?

More details to come soon! Stay tuned!

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