Elimination 7 pt 2

305 24 55

Round 2

"Okay Becky, score this point then you and Alexa win and you both can rejoin the cast. However, if Carmella wins this round then the score is tied up and we'll have to have a round 3, got it? You girls ready? GO!"

Both girls quickly took off running towards the 8. Unfortunately for Carmella, Becky got to it first this time.

As she swiped it off of the cable it was dangling from and began making her way back to her side, an empty handed Carmella was hot on her heels. She knew she had to employ a new strategy.

She trailed behind Becky shortly before she leaped onto her back.

"Are you freakin serious."Becky complained.

With one arm around Becky's neck, she used her other hand to reach over and grab onto the 8.

Becky tried to shake her off but Carmella was holding on for dear life. Becky dropped to her knees, placed her both hands on the 8 and began twisting it in ways that she knew would hurt Carmella's arm. As Carmella began feeling the pain, she got off Becky's back and placed herself in front of her.

VC-Carmella-At this point, I'm soaked in sweat, I'm out of breath, theres sand in my mouth. This is getting exhausting but I'm here to put up a fight so bet your ass imma do it.

Becky got to her feet and began aggressively tugging at the 8. Carmella who was on the sand still, had no intention of letting it go. Becky even began dragging her around the sand but Carmella refused to release her grip.

VC-Becky-Right now I have two options. One, go out of bounds so we can reset or two, keep trying to yank it away from her. I can tell that she's tired so beating her would be a lot easier right now. Im just running out of ways to do it.

With Carmella laying on her stomach, one hand still on the 8, Becky manuevered her way into a sitting position on top of Carmella's left shoulder. Carmella's arm was now between Becky's thighs, still grasping to the 8. Becky remained sitting on her shoulder with her arm outstretched as she yanked at the 8.

(basically she has Carmella in the dis-arm-her right now)

"AHHHHHH!"Carmella screamed in pain.

VC-Carmella-Not only does this hurt like hell but...I have no way of getting out of this.

VC-CM Punk-These eliminations really prompt you to do some extreme shit. Don't rip her arm off Becky, jeez.

As the pain got too much to bare, Carmella let go. Becky quickly got up and sped off to her side with the 8 in hand to hang it up on her rack.

Hunter sounded his horn.

"TWO TIMES IN A ROW BABY! IM HERE TO STAY! THERE AINT NO GETTING RID OF ME!"Becky yelled as she paced up and down, celebrating. Her and Alexa's supporters cheered for them.

Alexa ran into her arms to give her a hug.

"Becky, Alexa, congratulations ladies. You live to see another day."said Hunter.

PostVC-Becky and Alexa

Becky-*puts her arm around Alexa* Keep putting us in and we'll keep taking em down. I didn't fly all the way from Ireland to be sent home so soon. Im just getting comfortable.

Alexa-Candice, it was nice meeting you....and beating you. Now, get off my show.

Johnny vs Adam

The men stared each other down from opposite sides of the ring.

PreVC-Adam-Im Adam Cole bay bay, but you already knew that. Its true, I have no Challenge experience but guess what, I don't need it. You're about to watch me go into eliminations and kick some ass like I'm a seasoned veteran. And thats...undisputed.

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