.Thank You.

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• a u t h o r ' s  n o t e •

You've reached the end of this book.

Firstly, I'd like to thank everyone for reading my story. Special thanks to the readers who gave feedback, like commenting and voting for the story.
I sencerily thank you all.

Writing this fanfic was an amazing experience that I got to spend with all of you. It was my first time writing an EXO fanfiction, I think I'm happy with the result and I believe that I got more experienced and learned a few important tips. I'll keep improving my writing skills!

If you enjoyed this book, please do follow my account. New EXO stories are coming and your support would mean the world to me.

I'm sorry if the ending made some of you sad, please be understanding and respect my work.

-Leave nice comments down below, ask me questions about the story or anything you're curious about me. I'm answering ^^

I love my readers, hope you all have a good day/night!

~It was Kate, thanks again♡

P.S. This. Is not the end....

365 Days NOT To Fall In Love // EXO ChanyeolWhere stories live. Discover now