Chapter eighteen

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"My tallests!" A hoarse voice coughed. Tallest Red whirled his head around to see a burnt Irken limp over to them.
"What is it scum?" Tallest purple growled. The shorter Irken coughed indignantly and composed themself.

"My tallests, I have brought some information from Invader Skoodge, he would of told you himself but you declined his call..." The irken shrugged.
"Oh yeah! Lol Skoodge is annoying." Purple laughed.
"Why are you burnt?" Red asked, intrigued.
"I just am, that's my defining feature apart from being shown briefly in the chapter to share a message with you." The irken explained.
"Well what's your message?" Purple asked impatiently.
"Oh yeaaaah, The Xoriks have found out how to track us via our Paks!" They said cheerfully. Purple spat out his drink.
"Haha, Good joke-"
"It's not a joke..."
Purple spat out his drink again.
"Well thanks for informing us... uh..." Red trailed off.
"Navigator Fourth Wall."
"Ah yes, Thanks Fourth wall."

Fourth Wall nodded and headed off back to...Wherever he worked, Tallest red realised he had never seen that Irken before. Fourth wall's antennae was still on fire as he left.
"Well that was concerning news." Purple broke Tallest red from his thoughts.
"Well can't we just have the Control brains update the paks so that they can't trace location?" Red suggested.
"That opens a whole can of worms of absolutely terrible outcomes. Besides all of the Paks would have to be reprogrammed individually for such a major update with, as i said before, huge risks." A navigator informed them.

"Gah! This is useless, why do we even bother?" Red grumbled. Purple put his hands on his face.
"Y-you could also just... Talk it ou-" A navigator began.
"NO!" Both Tallests broke off in unison.
"We must send out most expendable, chaotic, and loyal Invader out to defeat the Xoriks with my new plan!" Red exclaimed.
"Oh, two ideas, I love it!" Purple cheered.
"We need Invader..."

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