Chapter thirty nine

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"Well once we've killed the leaders we've won this battle right?" Relic explained "Sooo, we'll be brining them to Ather for uhh public execution?"
"Public WHAT?" Zim yelled.
"I thought you said the Tallest hate you? Why would it be a problem if-."
"Because! Because... Well I don't know actually, b-but that would ruin the empire!"
"That is literally the point."
"One Irken messes up, that doesn't mean we're all bad!" Zim argued.
"You bit someone."

Relic leaned on the bars, folding her arms.
"But I bet you think all Xoriks are bad because we locked you up and are killing your whole species!" She retorted.
"I don't think you're all bad..." Zim admitted.
"Oh?" Relic found herself being shocked.
"Yeah, you brought Gir back to me! And you and your brothers gave us a chance to surrender aaand you didn't blow up Urth!"
"Oh..." Relic looked down at the floor "Well you guys aren't that bad yourselves."
There was silence for a few minutes.

"The thing I don't understand." Skoodge began "Is i've never heard of an Invader Bloodthirst! If I looked him up there is no record of any invader of that name invading Ather." Skoodge pulled his tablet out his Pak which surprisingly wasn't confiscated from him. He looked through Irken files and showed Relic the only invader of that name.

"Invader Bloodthirst." Relic read the file Skoodge presented to her "Invaded planet Eeeeeeeee, killed by constructive criticism.... But Invader Bloodthirst was killed by Guardian Kiera, Tessa's sister!"
"Well unless Kiera judged Bloodthirst to death the it seems you're whole planet has been lied to." Zim shrugged.

"No, this can't be true! Who would benefit by lying? I must inform Guardian Kiera!" Relic exclaimed.
"No!" Skoodge yelled, "You don't know if you can trust her, she seemed mean..."
"Why should i listen to you?"
"Because this might be a huge misunderstanding! There might not have to be a war between Irkens and Xoriks, if we work together we might be able to discover the truth!"
Relic paused before grabbing the prison door and pulling it off.
"Come on you two, let's stop this before you're leaders are killed."

The defects (ZaSr, Zim X Skoodge)Where stories live. Discover now