Hello Goodbye (crazyp01)

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Hello Goodbye

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Hello Goodbye

Patty stumbled off the train

buried deep in worry

She bumped into the conductor

She was in such a hurry.

She made it to the hotel 

And checked in for the day 

She knocked over a pot of ink 

For which Lotta made her pay.

She rushed to meet CG 

But they could not meetCG was not in, 

Patty waited some 

Then rushed up the street.

She found the sheriff 

 At the Jail 

"Please let Leo go!" 

She began to wail.

The sheriff lent her a hanky 

she wiped her tears and her nose 

while the sheriff explained 

away her fears.

She hugged Leo tight

Once he was out 

The sheriff gave them a warning 

They promised not to stick about.

They made a stop at the café 

Where they saw a cute couple 

The redhead fiddled with her ring 

Which made Deputy Brody chuckle.

At CG's they apologized, 

Cried and tried to justify. 

They check out and from the train 

They waved BG goodbye.

Busted Gulch Volume 12Where stories live. Discover now