An Understanding (baileygaines and Ruechari)

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An Understanding

Brandy threw a fit

She just about had it.

The curses that flew

Some of the things she said

Bruce wasn't even sure he knew.

She was trying to nurse her burnt hand

He approached with caution.

Not sure her unleashed temper

Was something he wished to withstand.

"Here let me see?"

She just glared at him.


"It's fine! I'm fine!"

She held her hand close to her chest

"Give it here."

Bruce pressed.

Brandy thought once again to refuse

But seeing the determination on Bruce's face

She knew this was a battle she'd lose.

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It hurt like hell

She held out her palm

It already started to blister.

"Damn it!" she heard him whisper.

He walked away and got his balm.

The same stuff Lou use to put on his scars

He opened the jar

Brandy covered her nose.

"What is that smell?!"

He swiped out some of the gel.

"It smells bad but it works great.

It's what I used on my burns."

He wiped it gently over her palm

"I'm sorry I got irate."

His apology took her by surprise.

"I just couldn't handle Jacob talking about Lou

Like he knew all she put herself through."

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