Why Did He? (MysteriousDryad)

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Why Did He?

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Why Did He?

Past events crossed my mind 

"6 ft under 

he's no more"

I told myself

But he came back

Newfoundland to here

My eyebrows scrunched

wondering why he would

Minutes seemed like hours 

realization dawned 

shocked evident

No no no 

that can't be why

I raced out of the room

skipping down the stairs 

out of the hotel

earning glances from the staff

I ran as fast I could 

with my healing injury 

to his wagon

earning glances from everyone 

shrugging it off, 

I was a woman on a mission

I rummaged through 

 like a squirrel going through 

it's nuts

I felt presences 

nearing and nearing 

questioning me

their glances on my back

To my surprise 

he had it 

my heart fell 

bottom of my stomach

In my hands a single paper

ownership of them

"but he is dead"

rationality spoke 

"but it can't just 

go into smoke 

erase it from the past 

stamped by the law 

it was marked to be true"

I thought to myself 

talking to that inner voice 

"but he is dead."

rationality spoke again

Grumbling under my breath

I was getting frustrated 

a piece of paper it is 

but the weight of it 

felt so much more

Law and laws I questioned

 I composed myself 

at least a little bit 

seeking my favorite deputy 

knowing one day the sheriff 

would have my head 

for snaking him away so much 

but I knew not of the laws 

and at least he would be 

doing work of sorts

I raced to the jail

my side was starting to hurt 

but I ignored knowing 

I'll regret it later

Upon getting there 

breathing heavy 

I placed the paper

on the table 

and both sheriff and Brody 

looked at me like I was crazy 

before they skimmed the paper

They looked back to me 

with emotions, I couldn't decipher

but sympathy was one I could tell

their looks told me all I needed to know 

my heart broke, not showing weakness

not again at least, many times already 

I put up a mask, concealing and hiding

I walked out of the jail

leaving them confused 

though the paper remained 

knowing they would read it in full

I walked to the stables

Petra wasn't there. 

I wondered where she could be 

I least I could avoid

those long and hard looks of sympathy

 I gave a half-smile and went to my horses

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