A Night to Remember, A Night to Forget (Ruechari)

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A Night to Remember, A Night to Forget

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A Night to Remember, A Night to Forget

Lou the name brought Rue pain

His sister gone, buried, realization dawns

Rue pushed her own feelings aside

"I'm sorry your sister died.

I'm the one who brought her home."

"What? How did she die?"

"Not much is known.

Just what is written in the paper

She was involved in some kidnapping caper

Having to do with a Judge whose name

is, I believe, Domain.

She was shot, along with a Pearce Wade

When she tried to come to his aide.

He was to testify against Domain

In order to clear Lou's name.

I'm sorry, I really don't know more."

Jacob swore, he tried to get out of bed

But was hampered by his spinning head

"Please Jacob, stay. I can't let you

wander out there this way."

"Josie will be worried if I don't return."

He tried again his stomach churned

Rue grabbed a pen and paper, she wrote a note.

"I'll inform her you're with me

and you don't wish her to worry.

She can meet us for breakfast

after you've slept the night

And I know for certain

You're doing alright."

Rue opened the door and called for Jujube

"What do you need, Ruechari?"

"I need this note taken

to one Josie Craven.

You'll find her at the circus

Thanks for doing me this service."

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