Oh Aces Nights (baileygaines)

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Oh Aces Nights

Lou's sister? 

Bruce was in shock. 

"Well, Skirt?Are you going to help me?" 

Came the question from Brandy.

"She can stay at my place, I guess. 

The place that used to belong to Shamus."

Brandy nodded. "I've got the key. 

Pick up Rosetta and follow me."

They left the saloon and went to Shamus's place. 

Bruce got a funny look on his face.

Bruce got a funny look on his face

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Of all the places to stay, why this? 

It was where he and Lou first kissed. 

He wanted to get out of the place 

and it must have showed on his face.

Brandy accosted him with a glare 

very similar to the one Lou used to wear. 

"No way, Boss. Take care of your own. 

If you fall apart, you do that alone!"

Bruce set Rosetta down and stepped from the room. 

The whole house seemed filled with gloom. 

"Rosetta's not my own. She's from BG, 

But Lou's business was here, dummy."

Brandy followed him out, 

shutting the door to block her shout. 

"Dummy yourself! Don't you remember Lou's plan? 

Move the business to BG if you can."

Bruce remembered that now. 

It seemed so long ago.

Brandy didn't give him time to think. 

"Let's go get drunk. What do you like to drink?"

They went back to the saloon; 

Brandy took command of the bar. 

Everyone knew her, it seemed, so far.

"What's your poison, Boss?" 

Her hands hovered in the air.

Bruce shook his head. 

"You pour. I don't care."


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He drank to forget, 

 to drown out his woes. 

Brandy drank less, 

staying on her toes. 

Bruce's brain became muddled, 

his head nodded lower. 

Brandy grinned, he was out cold. 

"Time to take over."


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