Chapter 19

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"With that, the second round is officially over!" Present Mic announced once the timer ran out.

The tense moment faded into nothing. Todoroki's team and Midoriya's team froze and Bakugo seemed to freeze in mid-air and fall straight toward the ground.

My team separated and walked over to where Bakugo was still laying on the ground.

" Bakugo! Are you ok man?" Kirishima asked, crouching down next to him.

Bakugo growled and repeatedly hit the ground with his fist.

I smiled, amused at the sight. "Hey, it's not like we lost. We still made it to the next round."

"Now let's take a look at who the top four teams are!" Present Mic said. I looked up at the screen as Present Mic read off the groups moving onto the next round. "In first place, team Todoroki! In second place, team Bakugo!"

"We were really close to first place." I sighed. It would've been pretty cool if we made it into first place, but we were still moving on, so I wasn't too disappointed.

"But we're movin' on, so it's all good," Sero said.

"I don't think our team leader would agree with you." Kirishima pointed out.

"Yeah, defiantly not." I agreed as Bakugo screamed. I walked up to Bakugo and stood behind him. "You need to calm down, Bakugo. You may not have made it to first place this time, but you're going to get another chance at it. So why don't you quit crying about coming in second and focus on coming in first next time."

Bakugo stopped screaming and turned around, glaring at me. I didn't look away or shrink back like a lot of other people might have. After a minute, Bakugo looked away without responding to me.

Present Mic announced that Shinso and Midoriya's team were the other two teams to move onto the final round before announcing an hour lunch break.

I was about to follow everyone else out of the arena and to the cafeteria until I remember that I needed to mean up with Shiro and Ryu. "Oh, I need to go. I'll meet you guys in the cafeteria."

"Where are you going?" Kirishima asked.

"I'll tell you about it when I get back," I answered quickly before making my way out of the arena.

I made walked to where I told my brother I'd meet him when the lunch break started. Him and Ryu were already waiting there for me.

I smiled as I approached them. "Hey, guys."

They both looked at me and Shiro was the first to speak, "That was awesome, Nori!"

"Great job on making it so far." Ryu praised with a smile.

"Thanks," I said. "I'm going to keep trying my best to see how far I can get."

"You'll do great," Ryu replied.

"You know, you have some pretty strong people in your class. They're all really good at using their quirks to win." Shiro pointed out, a rare smile on his face.

"Yeah." I agreed.

"You should go now, you need to eat before the last game," Ryu ordered, gaining my attention.

"Oh, yeah, you're right," I replied, then turned back to Shiro. "I'll see you later."

Shiro nodded. "Good luck with the last game."

"Thanks," I said before turning around and heading to the cafeteria.

* * *

"I'm back," I announced when I sat down at the table where Bakugo, Kirishima, and Sero were sitting after I got food.

"Where did you go?" Kirishima asked.

"I went to talk to my brother for a minute," I answered.

"Brother?" Sero asked.

I sighed. It was kind of annoying having to tell people about my brother every time he came up. I wish I could've told everyone at the same time. "Yeah, I have a younger brother. His name is Shiro. I'll have to introduce you to him one day."

"Hey, Hiromi." Kaminari and Mineta came up to me and gained my attention.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"We just wanted to remind you about the cheer battle that's going on this afternoon. All of the girls have to wear those cheer uniforms for it." Mineta said, pointing to the American cheerleaders that were running around the cafeteria.

I tilted my head. "Really? I never heard about that."

"Well, unless you want to get in trouble, go see Yaoyorozu," Mineta said.

"Oh, um, ok," I replied, still confused. I feel like I would've heard about something like this, but I don't want to get in trouble for not wearing a cheer outfit. And the outfits we're pretty cute, so I didn't mind wearing it. "Well, I'm going to go."

"Are you sure that he's actually telling the truth?" Kirishima asked, not believing what Kaminari and Mineta said.

"Not really," I answered with a shrug. "But I'd prefer just doing it rather than risking getting in trouble. And even if they are lying, I really don't mind."

I stood up as Mineta and Kaminari walked away. I walked over to where Yaoyorozu was standing with the other girls from our class and got her attention. "So what's this about a cheer battle?"

"Oh, Hiromi, I was just going to find you to tell you about that," Yaoyorozu said. Then turned to the other girls. "We don't want to get in trouble, so we should go to the locker rooms and get changed."

I nodded along with the other girls and we went to the lockers rooms.

* * *

"It's almost time for the last round!" Present Mic announced. "But before that, good news for everyone that didn't make the finals. Since this is a sports festival, we've prepared some super-fun side games for everyone! We even brought cheerleaders from America to get your blood pumping! Hold up-" Present Mic paused for a second. "Looks like class 1-A's goin' full-on fanservice!"

I stood in a line with the other girls. We were wearing the cheer uniforms the other cheerleaders were wearing.

"What!? You tricked us? You're gonna regret this!" Yaoyorozu yelled at Kaminari and Mineta as they chuckled at their ability to get us to wear the outfits. Then she sat on the ground. "Why is it that I always end up falling for the pervert's stupid tricks? I even used my quirk to make these outfits."

"Ugh, I hate those guys!" Jiro exclaimed, throwing her pom-poms on the ground.

"I mean, it's not that bad," I stated.

"And I do kinda like these uniforms, so... Let's just roll with it!" Hagakure added. I laughed as she waved her pom-poms up and down.

"Are you crazy!" Jiro yelled. I laughed at the way Hagakure waved her pom-poms around and Jiro's reaction to it.

"Wow Toru, you've got skills." Tsuyu said.

"Have fun competing in these side games, everyone!" Present Mic exclaimed.

-Author Note-

Hey everyone, how's your Monday been? Sorry about not posting a chapter last week. I wanted a short break from posting chapters since I was falling really far behind in writing chapters. I didn't want to try to rush writing because it stresses me out and I feel like the chapters are rushed. But I'll try not to skip updates in the future unless I really need to.

I hope you had a good weekend! See you next week.


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