Post Sex Convo

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- “Well, now that's over, back to business.”
- Casually pulls down bedsheets to reveal a perfect mug. Virtually untouched.
- “Wtf”
- “If you stay ready you ain't got to get ready.”

Miss Fame=

- “Hey Y/n. How’s your back?”
- “Uh. What? What just happened?”
- “What?”
- “You said—”
- “I said what I said, now answer me.”


- “I swear you got tighter—”
- “Nope. I'm not having this.”
- straight up left, took a shower, played with Mason, then left for work.


- “I think the neighbors heard you.”
- “At least they now know your name, grandpa.”
- “Very true.”, she took a drag of smoke from her cigarette and blew out through the open window.
- “But I should really get you a yoga class membership—
- Actually, nevermind you were pretty good in that department.”
- “Uh, thanks?”


- “Since when did you sq**** (Spray)?”
- “I had to push out your demons from my uterus.”
- “Erase Erase Erase.

Miz Cracker=

- “Do you think it worked?”
- “How am I supposed to know?”
- “Uh. Don't mothers have a child's senses? Like they're connected to their child by the umbilical cord?”
- “Even if it worked, you don't need to go there yet.”
- “I know but I just want—”
- “You're moving too fast Einstein.”


- “So where are those boys scout cookies?”
- *sighs*, *leaves bed and to the kitchen*
- *opens top drawer* *goes back with a box in hand*
- “5$, please.”
- “Thanks.”

[ 𝙍𝙋𝘿𝙍 𝙋𝙍𝙀𝙁𝙀𝙍𝙀𝙉𝘾𝙀𝙎 ] ᯼ ✔Where stories live. Discover now