Reaction When Daddy Is A Mummy 😳

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A/n: hehe


- Giovanni arrived home with a full face of makeup coming back from a gig.
- You were in the living room playing with Stella.
- Aquaria opened the door and Stella's pupils went out of her eyes and onto the floor.
- "Piccola!!", Aquaria stuck her arms out for Stella to jump into her embrace.
- "Mummy? Why do girl's voice like daddee?", Stella innocently asked as she eyes Aquaria.
- "Piccola? Tiz me! Daddy!", Aquaria picked her up giving her a tight embrace.
- "You not daddee silly! You a girl!", Stella laughed as Aquaria carried her.
- "What if I am daddy?", Aquaria interrogated.
- "Then I not here!"

Miss Fame🌟=

- Miss Fame let you do her makeup for a gala.
- Mia and Sia were asleep the whole process of beating.
- but when they woke up, Sia immediately cried after her daddy.
- "DADDDDYYYYYYY?!!!", cried Sia.
- Miss Fame came rushing from the living room to the bedroom where they were both laid on the bed.
- Fame hitched towards Sia but she kept crying. Mia, however, was fascinated as to who was this woman in front of her.
- "Don't worry sweetie, daddy's got you.", Fame tried to pick her up but Sia struggled and wouldn't let her.
- "What's going on??", you came by.
- "Sisi won't let me touch her, (Y/n) help.", Fame still struggled.
- "Baby, this is daddy. See!", you snatched Fame's wig off her head.
- "HEY!", Fame turned to you, but you laughed at his response.
-Sia kept crying with the now weave-snatched Miss Fame.
- "Sisi. Daddy her!", Mia pointed to Fame with luminous eyes.
- "Yes! Is me!! Daddy!", Fame captured Mia in a loving hug.
- Sia calmed down with the assurance made by her sister.
- "Daddy???", Sia croaked in a subtle voice.
- "Oh come here, princess.", Sia jumped into Fame's left arm.
- After the whole debacle, they demanded a transformation.


- Mason took the reveal quite well.
- Right when Violet was touching up herself, Mason barged into the bedroom.
- He was speechless at first.
- "Mase-Bass. Come here champ.", Violet called out his nickname.
- Mason concluded she was indeed his father.
- Or is it mother?
- "Papa?", Mason sat on Violet's lap as she continued to touch up her mug.
- "Yeah?", Violet turned his attention back to Mason.
- "See! See!", Mason wished.
- "Oh okay."
- and with that Mason always sat on his father's lap every time he did his mug at home.
- It's basically a daily ritual.


- Katya just barged into the room. Fully beat for the gay gods.
- Katie wasn't fascinated at all. Neither was she scared.
- She was kind of expecting it, firmly speaking.
- "Hai.", Katya greeted Katie as she drank her bottle of milk.
- Katie gave a blank expression
- "Women.", she rolled her eyes and continued to drink her bottle.
- you erupted into a fit of laughter while Katya was there, confused by her reaction. How well Katie took it.
- "What the hell just happened?!"


- Dominic was confused.
- Darius was amazed.
- Kaye was cheering on. Hallelujah.
- "Mummy who dis?", Dominic asked.
- "She prettyyyyyy.", Darius added.
- "YAAAAAAAAAAS", Kaye retorted.
- "She's your other mummy!", you happily replied.
- They looked at each other confused.
- "How it happen?", Dominic asked curiously.
- "How what happened?", you replied.
- "Us.", the trio blatantly answered.

Miz Cracker💁🏼‍♀️=

- "She's", Tilly started.
- "A.", Hans added.
- " WOMAAAAAAAAN!!!!", Addie retorted.
- "Perfect!!!", Cracker snatched them into one embrace.
- " HEY DON'T LEAVE ME OUT!", you cannonballed into them.
- You all sank down like the titanic.

Blair St. Clair🐇=

- Anthony was admittedly scared shitless.
- no-
- not shitless.
- he actually shat.
- "Mummy... I went poo poo.", he blushed.
- "Oh boiee..."
- a big one I must say.


- Sharon came into the bedroom and immediately passed out on the bed
- Vlad went wide-eyed.
- He made the assumption that the woman was dead.
- But hearing Sharon snore proved his assumption wrong.
- "You can't have everything, not even a corpse, unfortunately.", he mumbled.
- He snuggled into the stranger's arms and slept with Sharon as she spooned him.

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