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A/n: This is the final wedding chapter. Yes, we're doing this. The book will probably end on the 65th chapter or 68th. 75th if I don't run out of ideas that quick.


"I don't know where to start—I just—uh, want to first start off and say that I love you. Y'know-literally more than literally anything in this world. Along with our baby of course. I want us to build a future together. A future for us. Our daughter. Our family. I promise to help you build that future. No matter how hard it will be. I will always be there by your side. Ready to support and encourage you to never give up on all our goals and dreams. I see a tomorrow for us. For you, me and Stella. I will probably be busy. But I promise to make time for you and the creature of prosperity that we made. Am I using that word correctly? Whatever. I just want you to know, that I know that I caused you pain and crap. Know I never intended every single one of it. I love you more than gucci. And I promise to love you more than myself."

Miss Fame✨=

"Beauty. You're the mother of my beautiful children and my fiancé. Ever since I looked into our children's eyes. I saw you in them. I got reminded of how much love I felt and still feel for you. I want to wake with that love beside me every morning. Kiss me despite the fact that our mouths probably smells from morning breaths. To still love me despite my flaws. Baby. You are the beauty to my beast. I promise to love and cherish you, as much as the beast cherishes his rose. To embrace you until the last day of my life. Even to the time when we're ghosts."


"Y/N M/N L/N. In the first moments, I saw your face. I immediately knew that I wanted nobody else to be mine forever. We've been through some bad times. But I still look back on our good ones. I won't stop looking back. To see how we learned to continue to love each other, despite the complications of life that might come to us. You are-uh, my joy and happiness. You are my light. And I want to spend the rest of my life with the ray of sunshine that you pierce through my darkness. I want you to be my forever sunshine. Even when the actual sun is not going to be around. I vow to be a part of your universe."


"I don't really know what to say—so just marry me. Please. I'm seriously desperate for some green. Better not be a prenuptial agreement—I swear to god."

🌈 Kameron=

"Y/n! My ever so beautiful woman! Wonder-woman if I'm aiming that high. Sorry I just don't know what to say. I'll just get straight to the point. I love you with everything I have. And that includes the 70¢ to my name. I know it's all I practically have. But I would be proud to share your love and affection. To make me stronger every single day just from being there for me. I promise to be there for you. Be ready to pounce on and support you. Be ready to be the best dad I can be for our baby girl. Build your dreams and make them come true. I will do anything for you. I will make you my life long mission."

Miz Cracker💁🏼‍♀️=

- "Bitch—I've waited long enough to let you off that easy. Say 'I do' and 'I love you' and I promise there will be no court dispute-"


- "Y/n I love you more than you could and can imagine. I want to spend the rest of my days with you. Hopeful for you to stay with me through it all. I vow to make you breakfast in bed. Give you space and comfort. The most extreme loving anyone has ever given. But most importantly."

"The best cuddles in the entire solar system..."

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