Quidditch Team

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Harry flies off to Malfoy, Hermione groans. "What an idiot." I chuckle.

"Got to give it to him, he has courage." She gives me a look, I shrug watching them.

"Give it here Malfoy or I'll knock you off your broom." I smirk, he goes for it but Malfoy turns on his broom dodging him, he throws it, Harry zooms after it, he catches it. As he's flying down he holds it up and everyone runs cheering for him, he lands, people patting him on the back.

"Harry Potter." McGonagall calls him, everyone goes quiet. "Follow me." She takes him away.

Harry POV

I follow McGonagall, til we reach a classroom, she stops me.

"You wait here." She enters the room. "Professor Quirrell, excuse me, excuse me. Could I borrow Wood for a moment please?"

"Y-yes, of course." She comes back with a student.

"Potter, this is Oliver Wood." He smiles at me. "Wood I have found you a seeker." Later me and Ron are walking.

"Seeker? But first years never make the house teams. You must be the youngest Quidditch player in-."

"A century, according to McGonagall."

"Hey, well down Harry, Woods just told us."

"Fred and George are on the team too. Beaters."

"Our job is to make sure you don't get bloodied up too bad. Can't make any promises of course, rough game Quidditch."

"Brutal but no ones died in years, someone will vanish occasionally."

"But they'll turn up in a month or two." They leave as we cross the courtyard.

"Oh go on Harry, Quidditch is great. Best game there is and you'll be great too."

"But I've never even played Quidditch, what if I make a fool of myself?"

"You won't make a fool of yourself, it's in your blood."

"And even if you do, you can always learn from it." Y/N chuckled as he showed up with Hermione. Hermione took us to a trophy case.

"Woah. Harry, you never told me your father was a seeker too."

"I didn't know." I smiled at it. We're walking up a staircase.

"It's spooky, she knows more about you than you do."

"Who doesn't."

"Heh, Mione knows a lot of things, she loves to read." The stairs begins to move.

"What's happening?"

"The staircases change remember." They stop and we get off.

"Let's go this way."

"Before the staircase moves again." I open the door to a dark corridor. "Does anyone feel like, we shouldn't be here?"

"We're not supposed to be here. This is the 3rd floor, it's forbidden."

"Cool." A flame lights up and I see Y/N grab Hermione's hand.

"Let's go." Mrs. Norris meows.

"It's Filch's cat."

"Run." We run torches light up as we pass. "Quick, let's hide through that door." We make it to the end to a door but it won't open. "It's locked."

"That's it, we're done for."

"Hermione the spell."

"Oh move over." Hermione points her wand at the door. "Alohomora." The door opens and we get in closing it.

Harry Potter x Male ReaderNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ