Y/N's Burn Mark

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Harry POV

On the weekend we are all standing outside in the courtyard for the Hogsmeade visit.

"Now remember, these visits to Hogsmeade village are a privilege. Should your behavior reflect poorly on the school in any way, that privilege shall not be extended again." I run up to McGonagall. "No permission form signed, no visiting the village. That's the rule, Potter." She starts walking away.

"All those with permission follow me. Those without stay put." I walk in front of her.

"I though if you signed it, then I could-."

"I can't. Only a parent or a guardian can sign. Since I am neither, it would be inappropriate." She walks, the others stand there, she turns. "I'm sorry Potter. That's my final word." She pats my shoulder, Y/N walks up to me and smiles, I look to them.

"Forget about it guys. See you later." I turn, as they leave but Y/N grabs my arm, I raise a brow blusing.

"I'm staying with you, you need a friend. Besides we can go next time together."

"But Y/N-."

"No buts, I already told them, they were fine." I smile, he lets go of my arm and walks with me.

"I want to know something if that's alright?" He nods. "Um, what was with your boggart?" His eyes widen, I panic. "You don't have to say anything, I'm sorry." He smiles shaking his head.

"No it's fine, I would be surprised if you guys didn't ask. I already told Ron after class that day." He hums. "Where to begin, well before me and Mione knew we were wizard and witch, we had went to Muggle school and I had a bully." I nod knowing how that is. "The guy you saw was my bully, his name was RB/N, he harassed me and Mione more so me most of our lives." He tears up then wipes them fast, I've never seen Y/N like this before, he chuckles. "Sorry, one day we were walking home when he threw something flammable on me and lit me on fire, then ran." My eyes widen.

"That's horrible, I'm sorry you went through that." He smiles.

"Thanks, lucky for me a neighbor saw and was a witch, she used a spell to stop the fire but it had burned long enough to leave a mark, right here." He placed his hand on his chest. "I'll never forget that horrible day, and ever since then, I've been terrified of fire, I've been getting help but it won't go away. That's why anytime something has to do with fire I jump or tense a little, but Mione's always there to calm me down. I must seem like such a wimp, huh?" He turns his head looking down, I frown and grab his hand he looks over, I smile.

"I don't think you are. That would be traumatic for anyone, and I think you're really brave for pushing through all that. And if anyone says otherwise don't listen to them." He smiles pulling me into a hug, I was shocked but I pat his back and hugged him with a little blush.

"Thank you Harry, really." I smile as we pulled away and continued walking.

"Is that why you don't change around us?" He chuckles rubbing his head.

"Yeah, the mark makes me embarrassed, Mione and our parents are the only ones who've seen it, they say it looks cool but I don't see anything cool of it." I cough.

"Do you think I could see it? I mean if that's alright with you." He blushes, but nods.

"I don't mind, but not out in the open you know, maybe when we're in the dormitories." I nod, we continue walking talking about random things til I saw Professor Lupin.

"Ah, Harry, I was going to come find you to talk. Oh I'm sorry, you're with someone." Y/N shakes his head.

"No you can talk to him Professor, I'll be in the Great Hall if you need me." I smile and nod, he smiles walking away, I turn to the Professor, he smiles and we begin walking to a bridge.

Harry Potter x Male ReaderTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang