Changing Time

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Dumbledore walks over to us.

"Mysterious thing time. Powerful and when meddled with dangerous. Sirius Black is in the topmost cell of the Dark Tower." He walks past us then turns. "You know the laws, Miss and Mr. Granger. You must not be seen. And you would do well I feel to return before this last chime. If not the consequences are too ghastly to discuss." He walks up to us. "If you succeed tonight more than one innocent life may be spared. Three turns should do it I think." He walks out but stops. "Oh by the way. When in doubt I find retracing my steps to be a wise place to begin. Good luck." He closes the door.

"What the bloody hell was that all about?" We look at Ron and frown.

"Sorry Ron but seeing as you can't walk." I chuckle as Mione takes out the Time-Turner and puts it around me and Harry, she turns it three times and time goes back it stops and she takes it off.

"What just happened? Where's Ron?"

"7:30. Where were we at 7:30?"

"I don't know. Going to Hagrid's."

"Let's go."

"Make sure you're not seen." We run.

"Hermione! Y/N!" We run past the courtyard. "Hermione! Y/N! Wait. Can you guys please tell me what it is we're doing?" We stop seeing when Mione punched Malfoy.

"You foul, loathsome, evil little cockroach!"

"That's us."

"Hermione no! He's not worth it."

"He's right Mione, no matter how much we want to."

"This is not normal." She pushes him back and takes the Time-Turner out.

"This is a Time-Turner Harry. McGonagall gave it to me first term. This is how I've been getting to all my lessons all year. And Y/N a couple classes we had together."

"You mean we've gone back in time?"


"Dumbledore obviously wanted us to return to this moment. Clearly something happened he wants us to change." Mione punches Malfoy, I smile patting her back.

"Good punch."


"Always enjoyed seeing that."

"Malfoy's coming." We hide.

"Not a word to anyone understood? I'm gonna get that jumped-up Mudblood! Mark my words." I growled.

"That felt good."

"Not good brilliant."

"That's my little twin, being the badarse she is."

"Come on. We should be at Hagrid's." Past us run off and we go to the stones.

"Look. Buckbeak's still alive."

"Of course. Remember what Dumbledore said?"

"If we succeed more than one innocent life could be spared. Thank goodness."

"Let's go." We run down to behind the pumpkin pile. We see the Minister and them walking over.

"Here they come. I'd better hurry." I grab his arm.

"No, Fudge has to see Buckbeak before we steal him. Otherwise he'll think Hagrid set him free." We look and see Ron getting his rat.

"Scabbers, you're alive!"

"You gotta keep a closer eye on your pets."

"That's Pettigrew." Mione grabs him.

"Harry you can't."

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