The Order Of The Phoenix

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Harry POV

I walked out of my aunt and uncle's house and walked to the little park down the street, Y/N had wrote me saying he was coming down to talk, I was happy. I saw all the kids playing as I sat on a swing, most of them left, I was happy yet sad as they had their parents, I heard laughing and saw Dudley and his group of friends.

"Hey Big D. Beat up another 10-year-old?" He looked upset.

"This one deserved it."


"Five against one, very brave."

"Well you're one to talk. Moaning in your sleep every night? At least I'm not afraid of my pillow." They all laugh, I see Y/N walking up from behind them with Alban on his shoulders, he sees them and frowns. "Don't kill Cedric. Who's Cedric, your boyfriend?" I get upset more as they laugh.

"Now you should know that's me Dudley." They jump and turn, Y/N is glaring at them, I can see Dudley and his group blushing, I frown. "Now leave him alone." Alban hisses at them, making me smile.

"Y/N um h-how are you?" He crosses his arms.

"Fine now leave." He turns to me and grins.

"Y/N do you know how much of a coward your boyfriend is?" His frown deepens, he looks ready to kill him. "At night he screams for his mum. He's going to kill me mum." They laugh.

"Stop it."

"Where is your mum? Where is your mum Potter? She dead?" They laugh, Y/N pushes Dudley.

"Enough." They laugh.

"Awe why so mad love?" He makes a face of disgust, I get angry, he turns to me. "Is she dead? Is she dead Pott-." I quickly stand up throwing my jacket, I point my wand at Dudley as his friends laugh, Y/N puts a hand on mine.

"Harry, don't." I stand there as the sky gets darker and the wind picks up, his friends tell Dudley to leave as they run off.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm not doing anything." Y/N comes to my side, his cat starts growling.

"Is it the Dementors?" I look to him, we all run then it starts raining we get into a stormdrain, then the water starts freezing and the lights flicker and freeze. All of a sudden a Dementor holds me by my throat. "Harry!"

"Y/N get him out." He nods and turns to him, pulling his arm, Dudley trips pulling Y/N down, another comes in and goes to Y/N and Dudley, Alben growls at it, it picks up Y/N as Dudley is frozen in place. Both start sucking mine and Y/N's happiness, I grab my wand and stun it with it, it drops me as I back up to my wand, I grab it and point at it. "Expecto Patronum!" It goes away then I look back to Y/N and Dudley, he's still looking at Y/N in fear, Alben looks upset for his owner, I fling it to the other one and it flies away, Y/N falls. I run up to him as Dudley slowly walks over. "Stay back. Are you okay?" Y/N nods he pets Alben with a smile, I help him sit up as I hear someone coming, I put away my wand seeing a lady. "Mrs. Figg?" She gets closer.

"Don't put away your wand Harry. They might come back." We walk back to the house. "Dementors in Little Whinging, whatever next? Whole world's gone topsy-turvy." Y/N grabs my hand, I give her a confused look.

"I don't understand. How do you know-?"

"Dumbledore asked me to keep an eye on you."

"Dumbledore asked you? You know Dumbledore?"

"After you-know-who killed that poor Diggory boy last year, did you expect him to let you go wandering on your own? Good Lord boy. They told me you were intelligent." Y/N snickered. "And who is this?"

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