Good News

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As I'm sure you've all seen I started putting in dates, the reason is I wanted to make sure when all the Potter kids are born it's on the same day as they are in the movie. Had to do some math to make sure it was right, hope you enjoy.

June 13, 2003


I was over at the Burrow helping Mrs. Weasley.

"Y/N dear, could you get the mail?"

"Of course, Mrs. Weasley." I walked into the kitchen and saw the owl, I smiled grabbing the mail, I went up to Mrs. Weasley giving her the mail, she smiled.

"Thank you dear." I nod, she looked through it. "Y/N, you've got a letter from Hermione." I grinned taking it, I opened it up then read the letter. I put a hand over my mouth and sat down, Mrs. Weasley came over. "What is it, dear?" I teared up.

"I asked Mione if she could find a spell or potion to allow me to be able to have children, and she found one." She smiled hugging me.

"Oh, that sounds wonderful. How does Harry feel about it?" I nervously chuckle.

"I don't know, I haven't told him about it."

"Well, I'm sure he'll love the idea." She rubs my head. "You two would make amazing parents, I just know it." I smile.

"Thanks, Mrs. Weasley." The next couple days Mione has came over to our house to get the materials together. "Mione, you didn't need to collect everything, I could of done it."

"Nonsense, I was more than happy to do it. Just imagine when this works, my brother will have a child." I chuckle.

"If it works."

"It will work. Oh, I just can't wait to see my little niece or nephew." I chuckle. "I wonder if they'll have your personality or Harry's?"

"What about my personality?" We look to see Harry at the entrance, he smiles looking at us.

"Should I tell him, or you?" I frown.

"I don't know, what if it doesn't work?"

"But what if it does?" I sigh.

"Can someone explain to me what it is?" Mione groans.

"I found a potion that can let Y/N get pregnant." I chuckle.

"Surprise." Harry's eyes widen, he walks over to me and hugs me, I chuckle. "Harry, what is going on?"

"I'm just happy." I chuckle, patting his back.

"But like I said, we don't know if this potion works. So I didn't want to say anything until I was sure." Harry cups my face.

"Y/N, I love you, if this works it would be amazing, but if it doesn't that doesn't mean I won't love you any less than I do now." He kisses my cheek, I smile, he smirks. "That just means we try a lot." I blush, then smack his arm.

"Harry, my sister is right there." He chuckles kissing me.

"Not for long." I roll my eyes.

"Really Harry? He hasn't even taken the potion."

"Sorry, I got carried away." I chuckle kissing his cheek. "How long does it take?" Mione put a hand on her hip.

"It doesn't take long to make or get in his system, but that doesn't mean just kick me out." I pat her shoulder.

"Sorry." I chuckle.

"Just go relax for now." He nods walking away, she shakes her head.

"He is something else." I chuckle.

Harry Potter x Male Readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن