The Maze

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Me, Ron, and Mione were outside Hagrid's waiting for Harry.

"Y/N, I hear you were worried about us." I rolled my eyes.

"I was worried about Mione." I chuckle, he pouts.

"You weren't worried about your mate Ron?" I laugh hugging him.

"I was a little worried for you, but more so Mione being my sister." He nods, she smiles, Harry walked up. "Hey Harry." He smiled, Hagrid walked out and we went on a walk with him.

"Now I remember, I remember when I first met you all. Biggest bunch of misfits I ever set eyes on. Suppose you remind me of meself a little. And here we all are four years later." We laugh.

"We're still a bunch of misfits."

"Well maybe, but we've all got each other. And Harry of course. Soon to be the youngest Triwizard champion there's ever been! Hooray!" We laughed at him, as Harry was further ahead, he came up to Hagrid and told him Mr. Crouch was dead, we panicked.

Harry POV

The next day I went down to Dumbledore's office when I heard shouting.

"A man has died here Fudge. And he won't be the last. You must take action."

"I will not. In times like these the wizard world looks to its leaders for strength Dumbledore!"

"Then for once show them some!"

"The Triwizard Tournament will not be canceled. I will not be seen as a coward!"

"A true leader does what is right no matter what others think."

"What did you say to me?"

"Excuse me gentlemen. It may interest you to know this conversation is no longer private." The door opens before I could knock.

"Oh Harry! Harry how good to see you again."

"I can come back later Professor."

"Not necessary Harry. The minister and I are done. I'll be back in a moment. Minister after you. There you are, your hat." He hands him his hat. "Oh Harry do feel free to indulge in a little Licorice Snap in my absence. But I have to warn you they're a wee bit sharp." They all leave, Moody shuts the door staring me down.

I look around then to the Licorice Snap, I grab a handful and look at one til they start attacking me like leeches, I hit a wall then smack at them as they all run away, the wall opens and a goblet comes out. I cautiously walk over to it and pull put my wand I swirl the water til I'm falling landing in a seat, I look around in a panic never being here I look over to see Dumbledore.


"Professor." A hand goes through my chest as he shakes someone's hand, a noise goes as someone is brought up in a cage.

"Igor Karkaroff you have been brought from Azkaban at your own request to present evidence to this council. Should your testimony prove consequential council may be prepared to order your immediate release. Until such time you remain in the eyes of the Ministry a convicted Death Eater. Do you accept these terms?" I look confused.

"I do sir."

"And what do you wish to present?"

"I have names sir. There was Rosier, Evan Rosier." They rummage through papers giving one to Crouch.

"Rosier is dead."

"He took a piece of me with him though didn't he?" I saw Moody behind Dumbledore.

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