A Time of Traitors

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Season 7, episode 3.

Words: 2K.

Jay tries on the Vermillion helmet, after taking it with them to the Temple of Airjitzu.

"Sorry, guys, nothing." He sighed, holding the helmet under his arm.

"Darn, I was sure trying on the helmet was gonna help us figure out who those samurai snake guys were." Cole replied.

"Me too. Jay, are you positive the helmet doesn't do anything?" Nya asked.

"Ha! Besides make me look cool?" Jay chuckled, but stopped whem everyone stared at him. He bit his lip before continuing, "What? I know how to accessorize."

Kai took the helmet from Jay, "Hm. Something about this is familiar, though. I just can't place it. Perhaps Master Wu knows." 

They go find Wu, who is still resting on a bed, "Master Wu, this helmet. I feel like we've seen it before. Can you tell us anything?" Kai asked the old man, who just woke up.

"Curious. Time..." He muttered.

"Time?" Kai repeated.

"Time waits..." Wu mumbled.

"Time waits..." Nya repeated.

"Time waits for no..." Master Wu falls back asleep, making the ninja sigh.

 "Uh, Master?" Kai asked.

Master Wu wakes up again, "Did someone mention lunch?"

"No, Master, no one mentioned lunch." Lloyd reassured the old man.

"Then why did you wake me?" He falls asleep again.

"He clearly isn't himself." Y/n said, shrugging.

"Clearly. Lunch isn't for three more hours." Jay agreed, and they walk out of his room, "Ahh, this is just perfect. Mysterious snake samurai, uh, things attacked Ninjago, Cyrus Borg is missing, and our team is down one master and one Ninja."

"We've got to get Zane back online. He was the last one to see Cyrus Borg." Lloyd added, pointing at the unconscious ninja in front of them.

"Yeah, except Cyrus Borg is the only one who has the equipment to get hm back online." Cole sighed.

"I might be able to reboot Zane with the computer in the Samurai X cave. Although I could use some help." Nya suggested.

"Well, I'm in." Cole replied.

"You know I am." Jay would also come along.

"I'll come too." Y/n added.

"I'll stay. One of us should keep an eye on Master Wu." Lloyd informed.

"I'll go to museum the and talk to Dr. Saunders. He's an expert on all things Ninjago. Maybe he knows what Master Wu is too weak to tell us." Kai said, holding up the helmet.

"Good thinking. Go and see what you can see." Lloyd agreed, nodding.

"Hey, (N/n), now we, uhh, don't have anything to talk about, could you tell me about the Master of Storm?" Jay asked, as the four are making their way to the Samurai X cave in their vehicles.

"Uhh, depends. Are you ready for the truth?" She asked, slightly smiling.

"I guess." He shrugged, "Wait, if this is about us being adopted, I already know."

This sentence made Y/n shocked, when did he find out? How did he found out?

"Uhm, how do you know?"

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