Dread on Arrival

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Season 8, episode 8.

Words: 3K

The picture is proof Morro's in the Departed Realm. (:

A man waits for the traffic light to turn green on an empty intersection.

He looks to his right, seeing no one. He then turned to his left, also seeing no one. "Oh, come on." He traps the pedal of his car, driving through red. He shrieks and immediately reverses when he sees the Ninja using Crabby as a vehicle.

The Ninja are waking their way to the police station, with Samurai X, or Pixal, following them.

An officer was casually walking around the station, until he saw Crabby and the Ninja. The officer gasps, "Uh..."

"Is the police commisioner here?" Kai asked, jumping off Crabby. The officer nods, as the others follow Kai.

"Don't forget: the best way to defeat your enemy is to make him your friend." Zane advised the police officer, motioning to Crabby.

Crabby growls, which Jay apparently can understand. The Blue Ninja hugged one of Crabby's claws, "Aren't you, Crabby."

"Crabby." Wu exclaimed, while being held by Y/n.

The commisioner was working on his miniature boat, painting it blue.

As the Ninja were about to walk inside, the officer stopped them, "Hey, what am I supposed to do with him?" He motioned to Crabby.

"Take him to the zoo." Nya suggested, shrugging.

"We don't have a zoo!" The officer yelled.

"We need the Commissioner." Kai said to a different officer.

"He's not taking any visitors." The officer replied.

"But it's important." Cole added.

"All his work is important."

"Don't make me zap you." Jay zaps the officer and the Ninja barge into the commisioners' office.

"Commissioner!" Y/n exclaimed.

"So good to see you." Pixal said, relieved.

"There's no time to lose." Kai added.

"Sorry to barge in but it's really quite urgent." Cole politely excused.

"We have to vacate the city." Zane instructed.

"We need weapons. Lots and lots and lots of weapons."

"Crabby!" Wu happily exclaimed.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. One at a time. Just shoot it to me straight. What's gonna do me in?" The commissioner stopped the Ninja from talking.

"Pardon? Do you in?" Pixal asked, confused. The commissioner walked to the wall, showing four pictures of previous commissioners.

"Every time something bad happens to the city, first thing they do is can the police commissioner. So what is it this time? Subterranean mutant insects? Indomitable flesh-eating zombies? A pirate genie?" He asked, with the last one making Jay and Nya look at each other, smiling.

"Pirate genie?" Cole questioned, confused.

"The last one is oddly specific-" Y/n got cut off by the commissioner.

"Yes, why not? Anything can happen in this crazy town." He shrugged.

"Argh, don't be ridiculous. It's the Sons of Garmadon." Jay said, frustated.

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