close your ears to all naysayers

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Someone just told me this,
"Close your ears to everyone and close your ears to everything "
And I couldn't help but ask him what is it about.
He said, "about your life" and I still stood there silent and confused.
He said again "about your life ".
For whatever you wanna achieve,  and to be focused about it, you should close your ears to all naysayers.
I was astonished by my mentor. I was happy.
I was walking with this new statement in my mind ,I've learned.
Looking at all these personalities and realizing that no one handed them nothing" ,  they worked for it. For whatever lifestyle anyone have which is different from everyone else, they worked for it.
It's not like that story in which you deliberately pull of your tooth, put it underneath your pillow and when you wake up the next morning it is transformed into any blessing ,you'd like to have. It's not like that.  Really.
So yea. You gotta get up  He said.
Every single time they say something negative about you, learn to close your ears to them
Because that's how they roll. They can't help but degrade others. And if they don't, i think others won't be able to see their own self.
It is okay to be like the people in circus, who acts totally opposite to what they actually are, it's ok to have a mask on in order to save your face from getting stabbed. It's ok to pretend than complaining.
Let me clear the negative view. It is absolutely not ok to have a mask on in order to hurt someone or to play over. And it is absolutely not ok to act fake.  But pretending than complaining about is for sure OK
Stop saying: I'm in the PROCESS and I'm still in the PROCESS i know you are but come on are you going to stay in the same process?? Get out of it so you can explore more of the continuous journey of success

_Aysha Alam

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