while you were WAITING

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It's like having a key in your pocket and asking God to open the door.

It never works like that... there was this story on Insta that a boy was drowning and a boat came and tried to save him drowning but he refused and said God will save me...
What happened? He died.
Allah said "i send you the help (boat) but you refused it yourself ".

We head into the same direction and complains.. we don't look around..and when get asked, we say we can't see.
You know what is sad? when we pray for something... because we know it's out of our control.. or when it's done but not working out.. we cry out loud and shout "God, please make it work"
..you pray! when you are actually working out and want it to be done, greatly but with the acceptance of worst and best.
God is not gonna come down, make you stand and show you the way... He did bad to make you best.. if you only knew.
Waiting for someone to cheer you up is the worst thing to ask..
Get back, do your things, make it work, don't listen to anyone.
Sometimes you feel bad for no one asked you about dinner or lunch or how was your day, why are you happy or sad, no one mentioned the dish you made was delicious.. why so.
At beginning you feel bad but with acceptance of your bad you feel good, and with the confidence of your good you don't really care.
Care about people around you but don't! About their perceptions.. they might and can be changed at any instant.
Be more chill. At least we all can try..
We can stop panicking and swallow it all and burp...

_Aysha Alam

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