He was my inspiration but He didn't know that.

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There was this 6 feet 2 inches guy who was broken COMPLETELY.  There were the reasons and situations when no one believed in him. His grades were low, whatever he was doing,  he was going through some really bad shit. He was at his lowest point and he became quite as if in the well. He was quite, frustrated, angry with his life, he cried. But he never gave up. He thought it was over, then he sat down and he decided that whatever happens from here in his life He Is Taking Responsibility to make things happen by the will of Allah. He took a break and little did anyone knew he was trying as hard, he did not paid attention to any obstacle coming through he was now focused,  I never thought of Him becoming my inspiration but it turned out to be.
In that year he worked hard and make it to the stairs of success. He did. And what was that we all were saying on his back?? Only bad.  Only negative. We said He is not a good. He is such a bad person, he is never gonna make it, he don't talk to anyone,  who do he think he is. He is doing no struggle., little did we know.
What was he going through,  what was he doing.  He was doing great. I now think of how he makes it through whatever he'd been through it really pushes me never to give up, doesn't matter where you are but don't quit. Leave everything behind, all the negative energy and failures and show courage to do things.
Every time I get frustrated at any situation I think of him and say in my mind "He did it, I can too".
And I know for sure he don't know that He is somebody's inspiration.  Even when in the PROCESS he faced people who dragged him down,  he felt worse he cried at nights, people left, no one was there But He didn't quit. He gets off track often but....he always used to get up and look in the mirror to recognize the person looking back at him from that broken mirror.
And I know for a fact that the way he dealt with the things in past , I pray that he do the same in future Insha- Allah.
You know who he is.
My inspiration?
Hashir........ My brother.
Bhaiya thank you.
Something is hidden doesn't mean it's not there
_Aysha Alam

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