till 13 March we are not turning Robots

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So it's been announced that till 13th March schools and coachings will remain off. What if corona leave before 13th? Making fun of us not getting out, everyone wants to be safe and students are adviced to do self study.
And that is why they are panicking more. Self study looks like a much dangerous monster than corona to students... So they may not shake hands and wash their hands often and apply all of the preventions but for self studying they might die..
We can do this, as we are always being a teacher to everyone.. let's be a teacher to ourself this time and do something in this break. ...and by doing something i never mean only sleeping and eating and watching..
Corona virus is here to give us a study gap without depending on centres  and we are making memes on it.. how bright future we have.
Corona may leave tomorrow but this lack of motivation towards study should not turn us into robots. Let's self study and see how capable we are.. we are not. :)**.
Ali zafar is done with Mela loot liya and we are crying for how we'll complete the syllabus... do something about it guys... after reading this you guys be like "we are doing it Aysha you take care of yours" yes! I will after I'm done with listening "Mela loot liya "
All jokes aside.
Stay safe
Wash your hands..... with soap** And not with regret
Good bye

_Aysha Alam

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