nobody wants to go to Heaven

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..Will Smith shared:
"Everybody wants to go to heaven but nobody wants to die"
From there i google it and this was the book written by David Crowder and Mike Hogan.
They wrote this
"Everybody wants to go to heaven but nobody wants to die" this book it is about loss, suffering, pain and ..that death and life are forever interlinked.

But in today's world i think it's the opposite
"Everybody wants to die but nobody wants to go to heaven"
Everyone gets frustrated and they say I'd rather die.. why? Why not face it.
Everybody wants to die but nobody wants to go to heaven... why can't sip in the bad blood for the sake of Heaven..we know that it is the dark which makes the stars shine still the darkness is so much overrated in a negative manner.
You love black but you want all white... choosing the only bright side of the frame.
Like why do we utter these so much.. that.. I'm dying doing this, i will die for it, I'd rather die than doing whatever,  I'll die waiting, I'll die without you, I'll die if this won't happen.. first of all you will die at any cost.. everyone dies..who remains? No one except God. So why always escaping the life by choosing to die or even by saying it.. try saying something more useful..
There is a huge difference between living the world and living the see.
Everybody believes in Karma for others.. and what about the things you did? Is karma your sister that it won't touch you. We all wanna escape .. ok! Choosing option B when option A is failed is different and choosing option B while you're in the process of A..not good.
Having side plans is amazing.. but you can't let it distract you from your main target.. and if you fail.. as the speaker said: don't be afraid to Fail big.. everybody who have achieved something.. look at their history and you'll know that how many wrecked  stairs they have been crossing...
And here is this fact, you know what?
Steve Jobs revolutionized the whole world with the iPhone and never let his children use it..he didn't want them to be dependent on technology
Utter good.. satisfying.. and face.
Don't back off .. stop looking to the top when you're at first step.. you'll scare yourself. Concentrate on that first one. God bless us

_Aysha Alam

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