Escaping out.

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.....not facing for long term and escaping out ,results in regret.
A GIRL who had been with many boyfriends named as a bad bean.. but how come? ..let's start. She gets in a relation and then got heartbroken, next thing she did was escape.. escape where? In to next relation and then next and then next.. she was too afraid to face the reality that she kept on going with this chain of escaping ..for making herself feel relieved,she escaped.. a BOY gets on  cigarette, as same reason and escaping out. A MOTHER who was a shopaholic because her husband and children who abandoned her so she escaped out, being a Shopaholic. A FATHER who was a cook because his wife got no time was not a passion but a reason and excuse for escaping out.  Facing have gotten a wrong meaning that people say: "you are gonna face it but what if..???" Doubts and trials are a need of the word "facing", these all paragraphs wants to say that don't judge even if you are seeing it.. is like,
When you were a child and watched a horror film you feel scared but as someone told you that when the scenes were shooting..that wasn't the reality at all..the cameraman was there and 6, 7 year old YOU go like...what the hell? Which makes you feel relax about the thing. So instead going in a deep thought and gossiping about the person let's try to ask first why or for what reasons they are doing this and also ask you really care? And those who really care don't interfere...ok.
And don't feel bad for you escaped out of something..
Looking yourself in the mirror instead of saying: better luck next time
Say: better YOU next time...
We can all face and what we do is escape.. don't  ....we got the role models what are they for? ..learning.

_Aysha Alam

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