When they don't react...

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...you know these humans are so concerned even when we don't tell them what we are up to.
They care but they don't always share...
It was a sunny day and daddy was sitting when i asked him about how was my result, what did the teacher say , it was One of my good grades result without any tuition but he just sat there silently and when i asked him "are you happy?" He smiled at me and told me he is so proud but his tongue was not telling what was his face yelling... he was idk
The next result day which was probably my worst as i got a D grade it was my first year of O levels so unfortunately i didn't know that here we are more connected with books rather than notebooks ,no one even opens it nor once.. little did i know .
That day...oooff daddy was so disappointed he was not talking to me but mom,  my mom hugged me right there and whisper in my ear.... ok i was just 11 so it's ok i was mamma's girl ,,,still i am not.. and it's totally fine.
So yea she hugged me and said "it's ok, you're good"... my brother stared at me and said: " mummy you should tie her up and ...slap her " i laughed.. you know brotherss.
But mom was also  ,so disappointed she didn't said a word
There were many times in my life and in yours too that there were situations to which our parents didn't really react, they just accepted it and said nothing..
It is all because these individuals also have a life to which we childrens are not really connected with and it's a deal. They face certain situations where they feel so exhaust to not to reply, so angry to remain silent, so frustrated to just smile back and nothing, so impatient to remain patient anyway, too scared to remain quite to tell you, you're doing wrong.
They just don't always ANSWER..and how often do we ask?..
We don't and we should not..
Our parents have two worlds in their heads the inside WORLD.. the outside world we don't know of.
In their head it's like an amusement park with so many rides going on.
About the car, about the bike,about one children's like and one's dislike about furniture about friends about relatives about fixing so many things, about surprising you with the shoes you said you like ,,about telling you that they have achieve or haven't achieve something but you may don't like the topic, about telling their sons about the new car dynamics, telling their daughters about someone's good cooking classes and moree....about teling you that you're doing so bad and sometime about telling you're doing so good and that they wanna have some plans but you wanna go out with your friends.. and all these pile up in their head that..when YOU come in front they actually are like nothing.. wanna say just... nothing.
You walk in you greet them they greet back you eat they eat you asked they replied you replied they asked.. at last all slept.
Nothing to react.
Yea there are these times and that's perfectly fine.

_Aysha Alam

POETRY SESSION:)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang