Moment of pause....

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Let's sit down and breath and ......pause!
Yes.... pause your routine and ask yourself how did you feel when the truth was against you.
How did you feel when someone told you "you sucks" and that was a fact.
Did you wishes to punch the person in the face? But you hold back and felt disappointed, and heavy? Or you accepted it?.
Even if you did accept it, you must be disappointed for why you suck at something.
Pause... again and ask
" how many people you saw today who sucks at something you are pro at and you told them that they sucks or just politely suggested them to not to do that"
Because That is what it is.
Everyone sucks.
Speaker said:
You will fail at some point in your life , you will suck at something, accept it, embrace it.
Accepting your mistake and apologizing for it is great, but you don't stop there.
It's just not about accepting for others but also about accepting of yours.
Say to yourself
" i did this bad thing, yes i did and I'm gonna try again"
Say to yourself
"I suck at painting or driving or anything and that I'm gonna embrace it"
Will Smith said
" self discipline is a self love, it is more about your mind than it is about your body"
I was stalking the celebrities and there was this story which Momina Mustehsan posted with a caption
"I was not broken, i was just not loved by myself".

Why is it that whenever someone else is struggling we consider them strong and when we are struggling we just ignore? Why the hell?.
When the mind was playing games
The heart was right there, watching everything.
The heart said:
"I was never broken, i was never dead, i am right here with you i am not this voice you're hearing ,i will be here, you keep smiling, this story of ours may keep piling".

These are the lyrics of an indian song if you can guess.

And that You are not the only one. Each and every person go through some really bad shit and that's how the world is and it's always been like this.  Dark and bright.
Shams Tabriz once said
"It's always been like this, more you talk the truth the more they hated you"
So relax if they're throwing stones because you are not the only one who sucks.
Embrace yourself,  no one is gonna do that for you
_Aysha Alam

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