NOSTALGIA (*when bhaiya left)

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It was 3rd Day of Eid ul Adha (September)  and, Bhaiya was about to leave for Airport ..
Bhaiya was an introvert... I don't know if he still is, like introverts are different in their gatherings. But how I see him is that he got such a decent personality and that when he is in mood He is in mood, no one is changing it. If he is annoying you he is annoying you no matter how rude you get. But to those he loves he taunt  them.. he don't say yes you're right even when you are right he'll say: Nope! Just for his own entertainment,   no need to feel that .... and to me he is Akshay Kumar for many reasons.
When i got to know that he is going to leave for his studies I was like Ok! Who's going to miss him. But when we were at the airport and he vanishes.. I cried like a baby and I till now don't know what was that. It was a crying hour which was so unexpected and it was there because, to remind me that the everyday company who was quiet, funny, true and sometimes aggressive too is gone and you're going to miss it. And I remember how I used to concentrate on what he was saying because he hardly talk i mean the serious talk ..ofc as a brother he was annoying and protective as well like One day there was a dog behind him and my mom. So mm... he ran and gets into the Suzuki leaving his mom behind... he is that much protective :/.. Ok this is just a joke..
So yea when he left ,the days were  boring and especially I was missing the one who was so unexpected.. sometimes in mood.. sometimes he is singing considering himself Lata Mangeshkar, sometimes too quiet, sometimes sharing, sometimes only hearing,  some days annoying, some days more annoying  and when you say annoying** by your brother you're actually enjoying it..
I am not writing this to make Him remind all of it but just to, because it should have been written way before.. because he is a Brother who is an inspiration. I don't know if he is gonna laugh at it or smile either way he will look so cool..
What if he is gonna get angry.. that is even more cool..

_Aysha Alam

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