One have to lose, Whom should you love, choose!

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Winners, Champions, the greatest, the biggest... How do they got there?.. extra Hard work, day and night sweat, worked their ass off, ...late nights struggles and much more.
But one goes up because of many others are at lower stage .. like at a lower level**. Mohamed Salah, Lionel Messi, Cristiano Ronaldo.. they didn't just get there.. some point in life they must be at lower level when someone else was winning ..dreaming to get there as well. So you! yes you, who consider themselves as failures or beginners but not so good beginners or feel as if you are at some lower level .. you are! And that doesn't mean you're not gonna make it. You do feel jealous when someone of your age do something really great and you just sit there listening theirs only.. their news of Achievement.. but really want to be there as well.. really bad. Come on ask yourself that did I do the same as he or she did? Of whom I felt jealous of.. nope! And tell yourself that being at lower level is a need of acceptance that Yes! You are at a lower level and need to step up the game .. and from a novel I would love to treat you by telling you that sometimes in life you give your 100%  and in return to that you get only 40% and sometimes 0% and that is where you feel guilty and your brain hits you with bunch of questions asking you.. was I not enough? You surely were enough to face ,Failures coming to you again and again and again and let me tell you, the overconfident self.. that after reading this you're gonna say Yes! This is it. and then gonna lose yourself again's ok but Here is an advice meet many crushes in life and you were the crush of many till now.. and some crushes you prayed TO God please Allah make Him mine and some were just random crushes and many may have prayed for you but with time crushes change and that things which you feel was never permanent but just a side show making you feel wow! For few months and then it just vanishes .. So the advice is ..
BEFORE Loving someone else, try to love yourself, because Adam said "The more I watch The more I see, i need YOU to complete me???.. Yes love is the answer, love is the key but If You can't Love yourself how can you ever love me??. And loving yourself what does that even mean? Massages and selfies and that sort of stuff? Because the more I think the more it feels weird I've always been thought that self love is something to be feared.. .....there was a girl, He said I used to over protect her and made her feel special that one day she ask me why I was so dutifully treating her cup constantly and yet treating my own cup so irresponsibly that was *when she gave him the piece of advice that changed his life she said
Treat yourself like someone you loved 
Adam continued : "now! I had been standing but I needed to be sitting because I couldn't believe that I have been letting myself keep forgetting that I was who I've been looking for......and deep in my core I knew it was time for me to stop looking for more until i look through all my fears and look in to a mirror and see that the man looking back at me is the only one who can make me happy and I am already enough, ...and when you start to see that you will start to be that your world will get brighter your loads will get lighter and you can see that with life you can be a lover not a fighter and that life deserve it.
_Adam roa

_Aysha Alam

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