Chapter 27 Redux: Petaling Snow

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3rd Person POV:

Having decided to go out on a date, Y/N and Ruby are both seen walking together in the city wearing casual attire.

Ruby: So, what do you want to do first?

Y/N: I've always wanted to watch a movie at the cinema.

Ruby: Sounds like a plan.

The two make it over to their destination as Y/N and Ruby take a look at what films are currently out.

Y/N: So, we have "Steel Man", "Saturday the 15th", "Warring Stars", and "The Journal".

Ruby: Tough choices. What do you feel in the mood for?

Y/N: (thoughts) It has to be something Ruby would like.

Miyuki: [She likes hero stories and weapons quite a lot, maybe "Steel Man"?]

Y/N: [That could work but-]

Suddenly, another film preview catches her attention.

Y/N: (to Ruby) What about this one?

Ruby looks to see the film as her silver eyes briefly sparkle in joy. The pair proceeds to get their tickets at the booth.

Y/N: Two tickets for "Ready Players".

Ticket Provider: That will be 250 Lien each.

Y/N gives her the amount needed as after getting an assortment of snacks, both her and Ruby make it to their seats as the film soon starts.

Whilst the movie plays, Ruby is seen staring at the screen in awe of the non-stop action playing out.

Miyuki: [How'd you know this film would've worked out?]

Y/N: [I didn't actually, but a little while ago I remembered watching the preview with the others and how immersed Ruby got about it]

Y/N: [I think all the high-tech weapons and references along with the classic good guy verses bad guy plot, makes it all the more fun for her to watch]

The conversation between the two sisters is cut short as Y/N feels someone touching her hand, it being revealed that Ruby was the culprit.

Y/N blushes a little from the sudden contact with her girlfriend, whilst enjoying the film alongside Ruby.

After the film ends, the couple both exit the cinema and walk the streets of Vale once again.

Ruby: I still can't believe they actually had enough budget to animate a full on Mech battle like that.

Y/N: Same. It was so cool that the key part for winning the car racing obstacle was to drive backwards

Ruby: Right. Even though it had a happy ending, I kinda hope they make a sequel.

Y/N: I hope so too.

Ruby proceeds to kiss Y/N on the cheek as it leaves her a blushing mess.

Y/N: W-What was that for?

Ruby: For the good movie date experience, silly.

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