Chapter 35: Struggles

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Author: Sorry for not publishing for this story I've been working on Remnant's Spark a little too much.

Author: Anyways let's the story continue.

Narrator: With you and Qrow poisoned Team RNJR race to find help as the rest of team continue having their struggles.

Narrator: Now let the story continue.

Yang Y/N Pov:

It's been a few weeks since Yang started to use her new arm as me and Zwei are currently watching her and Tai spar with Yang knocking Tai back with a strong punch.

Tai: Whoa...that thing packs a punch!

Yang: We've been at this for weeks.

Yang: I get it, you wanna make sure I can still fight.

Yang: I think I'm doing just fine.

Taiyang: You're close.

Yang: Oh, really?

Taiyang: You're still off balance.

Yang: What?! No I'm not!

Yang: Honestly, I'm kind of surprised.

Yang: I thought it would be this huge weight, feels natural.

Yang: They did a great job with this thing.

Tai then sneaks attack her with Yang countering as he grabs on to her arm.

Taiyang: I wasn't talking about your actual balance.

He trips her and goes for a towel as I hand him one.

Taiyang: Although, that could use some work too.

Yang: Meaning?

Taiyang: I saw your tournament fights.

Taiyang: During the Vytal Festival.

Yang: Let me guess.

Yang: "I was sloppy."

Tai: No, no, you were predictable.

Tai: And...stubborn...And maybe a little boneheaded.

Taiyang: Do you realize that you used your Semblance to win every fight after the qualifiers?

Yang: So what?

Yang: How is me using my Semblance any different than someone else using theirs?

Taiyang: Because not everyone else's is basically a temper tantrum.

Taiyang: I'm serious!

Taiyang: Once you take damage, you can dish it back twice as hard, but that doesn't make you invincible!

Taiyang: It's great when your in a bind, but what happens of you miss?

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