Getting Away

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Before we get started... Ages and time lines have been altered just a bit...



My name is Sabrina Grace Singer, I was born June 7th and I'm 16 years old. I finally got the courage to run away from home, and get the hell away from my abusive foster parents. I know, I'm only sixteen but I had to leave, I can't tell anyone about it because no one will believe me. So now I'm on my way to South Dakota to stay with my Uncle...

"This is gonna be a long ass walk" I sighed, I never really felt comfortable walking all by myself at night but sometimes we gotta do what we don't want to do to get anywhere in life... Right?...

I've been walking for a good three hours now. I'm cold and my phone is dying but I can't just stop, they may find me... I had finally got out of Chicago city limits, I felt really uncomfortable, almost as if I was being followed. I reached to my pocket to grab my knife just in case but before I could pull it out someone grabbed me from behind and put their hand over my mouth...

"Put it down or the girl dies" The man who had grabbed me said "Okay, Just don't hurt her. She didn't do anything to you" A tall man said as he laid a gun on the ground "Hey!" Another man yelled, the man who had me turned us around, there was another shorter man who also had a gun "Let her go" The man said sternly, the man who had me held a knife to my throat. There was then a loud bang and a sharp pain my my right arm, the man who had me had fallen to the ground, cutting my other arm when he fell. "Shit, Sam make sure he's dead. I hit the girl" The shorter man said... "Hey, are you okay?" The short man asked "I- I think so..." I said quietly "Come on, let's go fix you up" He said, grabbing my hand, leading me to a black 67 Chevy impala... "Nice car" I stated "Thanks" The man smiled "I'm Dean by the way" He said "Sabrina" I smiled "I don't really wanna ask but why did you shoot that man?" I asked, taking off my sweater so he could clean the wounds "He was a bad man" Dean replied, cleaning the wound on my shoulder "Why was the bullet hole steaming?" I asked "You saw that?" Dean asked "Yeah, I did" I nodded "You gotta promise you won't think I'm crazy" Dean said "I watched my foster Dad try to have sex with my bedroom door..." I stated "Fair enough... That man was a werewolf... And he had every intention of taking you home and eating you... and not in the good way" He said "So, you can't be any older than 18 so where are you headed?" Dean asked " I'm sixteen and I'm headed to Sioux Falls, my Uncle is there. I'm running away from my foster parents so please don't make me go back there" I replied "Actually, we're headed to Sioux Falls, why don't you ride with us" Dean smiled as the tall man walked up. "Is she okay?" He asked "Yeah. Sam, this is Sabrina. Sabrina, this is my little brother Sam" Dean smiled "Nice to meet you" I smiled, holding out a hand "Likewise" Sam smiled shaking my hand "She's riding with us to South Dakota" Dean said "Woah wait... I never agreed to this, I don't know what kind of people you guys are... For all I know you're gonna take me somewhere and Kill me" I said defensively "We're not gonna hurt you, I just figured your rather have a ride instead of walking in the cold" Dean replied "Dean, don't force her. Bobby told us not to be late" Sam said getting in the car "Wait... Bobby Singer?" I asked "Yeah, you know him?" Dean asked "Yeah That's my Uncle" I replied "Get in and we'll take you, seeing as that's where we're headed" Dean smiled, opening the door for me "Thank you" I smiled... As soon as Dean got on the road, I almost immediately felt tired, I tried my hardest to stay awake but failed miserably...

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