We Can Never Catch A Break pt.2

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⚠⚠Possible Trigger Warning ⚠⚠

Next thing I knew I was slammed against a wall with a sharp pain in my right side "Dean?"

"Cas?" I asked "I'm so sorry" Cas said pulling back "What the hell are you doing here?" I asked "I came to get Sabrina and the boys" Cas answered "I came to get Sabrina and the boys" I said "You go get Sabrina and I'll go get the boys" Cas said. I reluctantly agreed, not really wanting Cas to go alone but I know it was a losing battle if I tried to stop him...

As I walked deeper into the asylum I started hearing music "I know that song" I said to myself, I followed the music, I had figured out the song but I didn't recognize the voice. It was House of the Rising Sun but it wasn't the original singers singing it. I slowly opened the door "Dean no" I heard Sabrina groan "You really should listen to her" I heard a man say "You're hurt" He smirked "You're dead" I replied, recognizing the man that stepped in front of me as none other than Able Stevens.  "Not anymore. Actually my beautiful daughter was just telling me that you two are married and were expecting" Able replied "Not anymore... Oops" He shrugged "You shut your damn mouth" I glared "You see... Being a doctor really comes in handy" He said "especially when you don't want your daughter to have kids" He smirked, I raised my gun up and pulled the trigger, shooting him in the leg causing him to fall to the floor "And a witch for a wife helps too" He chuckled "Well she's dead now so it looks like your screwed" I smirked, aiming at his crotch "Never thought I'd have the pleasure of killing you again" I said just before I pulled the trigger again, Able yelled out in pain.

"This time... I'm gonna take my sweet time" I snarled "Dean, please... It's not worth it" I heard Sabrina say "Look at her, begging you to let her Daddy go" Able smirked "Just let him bleed and stew in his thoughts and grief... Knowing, I'm off somewhere living my best life with my three kids and my wonderful husband" Sabrina said, Able's facial expression changed from proud to betrayed, I smirked and shot him once more, making sure he'd bleed out.

~Trigger warning end~

"Ya know, when I pictured untying you this isn't the scenario I pictured" I smiled, walking up to Sabrina to cut her down "Well maybe if we all make it out of this alive you can untie me the way you pictured" Sabrina smirked "I just might take you up on that offer" I said, picking Sabrina up bridal style "He didn't touch you did he?" I asked "I mean, he tortured a bit but the baby is still in me" Sabrina replied "Where are the boys?" She asked "Cas has them" I answered "How did you get here so quick?" I asked "I don't know it was like the bunker morphed into this" Sabrina replied "He said you were hurt, what happened?" She asked "Nothing, Cas just nicked me with his angel blade... it looks worse than it really is" I smiled "That sound vaguely dirty" Sabrina chuckled "You wish" I replied...

I laid Sabrina in the front seat of the impala and Cas sat in the back with the boys, thankfully as terrified as they were they didn't have a scratch. "I'm sorry Sabrina" I said quietly "No, don't start that... Not now" Sabrina said, looking up at me "I'm in a lot of pain and the last thing I want to do is have a mushy moment" She almost glared...

Sabrina's P.O.V

After snapping at Dean I closed my eyes and laid my head back against the window, the coolness of the glass left nice on the back of my head. I snapped my fingers and the radio started playing Jeremy Renner's version of House of the Rising Sun "Who is that?" Dean asked "Singing?" I asked "Yeah" Dean replied "Jeremy Renner" I answered "It was playing in the asylum" Dean said "Uh huh... I turned it on... My favorite song and it gives me a sense of peace... I freaked Able out by turning it on and then he started with the knives" I explained.

I could feel the heat radiating off of Dean as I told him what had happened "Stop talking" He growled, I opened my eyes and saw his pissed expression and that he was gripping the steering wheel so tight his knuckles had gone white "Dean, it's okay... I'm okay now. I told you, you wouldn't like it" I said, it hurt too much to move so I put my bare foot on his thigh which somewhat calmed him down... "This is gonna be a long ride" I thought to myself. Cas had tried to heal me but wasn't able heal me fully to for some reason...

*Time Skip*

I woke up on the couch in the bunker guessing I had fallen asleep in the car,  I got up to go find Dean...

I walked to our bedroom and tried to open the door, but it was locked "Dean, are you okay?" I asked "Yeah I'm uh... Changing" Dean replied "Open the door then" I said "I can't" He said after groaning lightly "Not like I'm gonna that I haven't seen before" I replied "Fuck, Cas" I heard Dean say quietly "Open the damn door" I said sternly "Give me a minute" Dean groaned  "If you don't I will" I replied.

I waited five seconds then opened the door myself with boiling rage. Only to find Cas stitching up the gash in Dean's side "Asshat! Ya couldda told me what you were doing" I glared, Dean shrugged, I shook my head and walked up to him "Cas Didn't nick you he dead ass jabbed you" I chuckled "Where are the boys?" I asked "Bed. They took a bath and wanted to go to bed" Dean asked "Will you sit still!" Cas almost yelled "Well, I'm gonna go check on them... You boys have fun" I said, making my way out of the room...

Dean's P.O.V

"She was about to kill you" Cas chuckled "She still might" I replied "So why isn't your mojo working?" I asked "I don't know, I'm still trying to figure that out" Cas replied. "Okay, you're done" Cas said  "Thanks Cas" I smiled, Cas nodded and left the room... I decided to take a shower since my entire side was covered in blood again "You're right, it looks worse than it actually is" I heard Sabrina say from behind me "It feels worse than it really is" I replied, turning around seeing Sabrina leaning against the threshold of the bathroom, she walked close and put her hand on the wound, a blue light came from her hand and the pain went away, when she pulled her hand back all that was left was a scar "Thanks" I smiled "You're welcome" Sabrina yawned "That wear ya out?" I asked "A bit yeah" Sabrina nodded "Well, let's shower and go to bed. We'll go see Sam tomorrow" I said quietly...

Author's P.O.V

After Dean and Sabrina finished their shower and got ready for bed, Sabrina decided she wanted some ice cream so they went to the kitchen and Dean got her some.  "When are these pregnancy cravings supposed to start?" Dean asked sitting down at the table in front of her, handing her the bowl of ice cream "Yesterday" Sabrina replied "I have been craving pickles so bad too and we don't have any" She said "I'll go get you some in the morning" Dean smiled...

Sabrina finished her ice cream and Dean washed her bowl before she even had the chance to get up... "I love you Dean" Sabrina smiled as he picked her up to carry her to their bedroom "I love you too" Dean said, kissing her cheek.

"I'm gonna go check on the boys" Dean said, laying Sabrina down "Okay" Sabrina said quietly.

Sabrina laid there and wondered what was taking Dean so long but was soon pulled out of her thoughts when the bed shifted hard and she heard Jack and Ethan giggling. Dean had flopped down on the bed on his back while holding the twins in his arms "Good lord, Dean" Sabrina chuckled "Can we do it again Daddy?" Jack asked "No, not now. Mommy's trying to sleep" Dean smiled "They give you puppy dog eyes?" Sabrina asked "Yeahhh, they did" Dean replied, letting the boys go so they could find a comfortable spot on the bed, which was at the foot of the bed with the dogs. Dean covered them up with the quilt that Sabrina kept at the foot of the bed for this very reason and kissed their foreheads "Goodnight boys" Dean whispered. "You're a pushover ya know" Sabrina chuckled "Yeah, I know" Dean smiled, laying down and pulling Sabrina to his chest. "I love you" Sabrina said, kissing Dean on the nose "I love you too Babygirl" Dean smiled. "Ya know we didn't do anything for the their birthday" Dean said quietly "Shit! We didn't" Sabrina gasped "We'll take them to the park and go get them some ice cream and then we can take them to pick out a couple toys" Dean said after thinking for a moment "I can't believe they're already four years old... It seems like only last week they were being born" Sabrina sighed "Yeah... They're growing up so fast" Dean said, rolling over onto his back, Sabrina nodded and laid her head on his chest. She felt herself falling asleep so she looked up and kissed Dean's neck before letting sleep take over...

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