Gone (part 2 to Carnival)

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Thank you little4life_ for helping me out with this one💙💙

Avery couldn't help but to smile as she watched Sam walk away, but the smile soon faded when she felt a sharp pain in the back of her head and everything went black...

Sam's P.O.V

I came back to find Avery gone, her phone was on the ground where she had been standing "Son of a bitch" I sighed. I picked up her phone and noticed a note

"She's mine now, if you want her back you better come find here...
~Avery's Husband"

I ran back to the car, getting ready to call Sabrina when I saw another note

"To make it a little easier, I'll give you the address... it's in the car somewhere and you've gotta find it"

I called Sabrina as I looked for the address...

(B) "Hey Sam"
(S) "Bree, he found her... Avery's ex found her... I need you and Dean to get here asap"
(B) "Yeah, about that... Dean's kinda... Forgetting everyone"
(S) "Has he been hexed?"
(B) "We think so. I'll send Bobby"
(S) "Okay thank you, I'll send you the adress"

I found the adress then sent it to Sabrina before heading that way. "I'm coming Avery" I said quietly. The address I had put into my GPS was taking me to what looked like an open field "What the hell is he doing?" I thought, I shook the thought off and kept driving...


When I pulled up to the place my GPS took me I got out of the car "Well, looks like I'm on foot the rest the way" I sighed. I got as many weapons as I could possibly carry on my person, I wasn't sure what I was going up against and I was alone I had to be prepared...

I walked through the open field, ready to shoot anything that moved, I came upon an old barn that looked like it could collapse at any given moment. I rushed over and cautiously made my way in...

"Sammy, glad you could join us" I heard a man with a deep voice say, I looked up and saw a man about 6'2 with jet black hair and green ish brown eyes "Donavan Reynolds" The man smirked, walking over to me "Yeah, not interested. Let her go" I glared, pointing my gun at his face.
Avery was tied to a chair in the middle of the room, she had cuts and bruises all over her body, she was out cold and slumped forward.
"Not. Yet" Donavan snarled "What do you want?" I asked "You gotta choose... Her life... Or yours?" He smirked "What if I just shoot you right now?" I asked "Then my men will make sure you both die a slow and painful death" Donavan replied "You shoot yourself, she lives... You shoot her... You live... Maybe" He said "How'd you find her?" I asked "Not hard... You aren't the best at covering your tracks when you're not on a job" Donavan smiled "Oh you should have heard her... "Donnie don't, please" "Donnie please" I haven't heard her beg like that since our wedding night" He said, stepping closer "Don't. Move" I glared "Time to choose Sammy" Donavan smirked as Avery started to wake up... I put the tip of the gun under my chin and looked down to Avery "Take care of Dean, Cas and Bree" I smiled "No Baby, please don't" Avery cried "It'll be okay" I whispered, closing my eyes...

Avery's P.O.V

There was a loud bang and then two gunshots but neither came from Sam's gun, Sam fell back and Bobby was standing behind him, Donavan was also on the ground with a bullet in his skull, Bobby ran to me and untied me then went to make sure Donavan was dead. I walked up to Sam and fell to my knees when I saw the blood coming from his stomach, he was barely holding on "Sam no. Not now...You have a niece to meet and we're supposed to get married" I cried "And we were supposed to make little African babies" I said, trying to lighten the mood "That's not possible" Sam said with a weak laugh "I'll be okay" Sam smiled. "Bobby we've got to get him to the hospital" I said, looking up to Bobby as he walked up "Help me get him up" Bobby said...
Sam groaned in pain as we lifted him off the ground "You should be helping Dean" Sam said to Bobby "Sabrina's got him, she picked up where I left off" Bobby replied "Once we get to the hospital you have to get back to them as quick as you possibly can" Sam said "Planned on it" Bobby said...


We got Sam to the hospital, Bobby stayed while they took the bullet out of Sam's stomach but when Sam came to he left...

"You alright?" Sam asked "Yeah, the doctor said I got lucky, I only have a broken rib or two" I smiled "How are you feeling?" I asked "I've been better" Sam smiled "You should get some rest" I smiled, sitting beside Sam. I could tell he was tired by the way his eyes kept trying to close but the look in his eyes said he was scared and wanted to stay awake "Sam, I'll be right here when you wake up. Get some sleep" I said, kissing his cheek. I laid down with my head on his chest as he grabbed my hand and we both soon fell asleep...

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