He's gone

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Sabrina's P.O.V

"Sorry boys but no one gets left behind" I said just before I took off running. The last time I saw Mark I took his phone and put a tracker in it without him knowing and only I can turn it on and off...

I ran as fast as I possibly could to get as much of a head start as possible because as soon as Dean notices I'm gone, I'm fucked. "Come on... You can do it" I said to myself. I heard the beautiful sound of the Impala coming up behind me "Sabrina, get in the car" Dean said sternly "No" I replied "Why?" Dean asked "Because Mark is my brother, he's family and I'm not gonna just leave him" I snapped, Dean stopped the car and got out, putting his hands on my waist to keep me from walking away "Sabrina... Family doesn't just call when they want or need something, Family comes around more, Family is willing to do anything and everything for you. Do you think if you were in his situation he would come save you? You two aren't even blood related" Dean almost yelled "Yes. I know he would. Bobby has always said 'Family don't end in blood' and if you think for a second I'm stupid enough just to take your hand and go home without at least trying to save my brother then you've got another think coming! Mark was there for me the entire time I was in that hell hole Mark is my family and if you can't accept that then you can have this damn ring back because my family is more important than anything else" I yelled, I threw both the engagement and the turtle rings down at Dean's feet, along with the necklace before I dissapeared, off to find Mark...
I mean yeah, Dean did have a valid point on the "Family doesn't only call when they want or need something" note but I still had to find Mark, he has two beautiful baby boys wanting him to come home...

Dean's P.O.V

Sabrina disappeared with a whooshing noise, I leaned over and picked up the rings and necklace, I knew I had to find and help Sabrina bring her brother home...

I got back in the car and sped off down the road, trying to call Sabrina...

Author's P.O.V

Sabrina's phone kept buzzing in her back pocket but She ignored it and continued to look for Mark...

"Ya know... It's not nice to send your man to voicemail" Sabrina heard a familiar voice say behind her "And it's pretty fucked up to check out your sister's ass" She retorted, turning around to see Mark "I told you not to come for me" Mark said "The first thing Ethan said when Dean woke him up was "Where's Daddy?" I wasn't going to leave you" Sabrina replied "Sabrina I have to take care of this... if I dont those boys are next... This is Maria... She's a Werewolf and she's getting revenge for "me leaving with the kids" I have to take care if this alone" Mark said quietly, suddenly there was a loud bang "She's here, you need to go" Mark said "No, I'm not leaving you" Sabrina said, standing her ground "Then stay out of the way" Mark replied...

"I thought I told you to come alone" I woman said, coming down the long dark hallway "He did come alone... I just followed him" Sabrina replied "Oh honey... That was a mistake because now I'm gonna have to kill you too" The woman smirked "Nice to see you to Maria" Sabrina fake smiled "I thought you said this whore was back in Missouri getting married" Maria glared "I thought that's where she was... My mistake" Mark replied "I think you lied" Maria said "I want my boys" She said sternly "Not gonna happen" Mark said...

Maria launched herself at Mark, taking him to the ground, punching him a few times, Sabrina quickly shot her in the side, only pissing her off more but it was enough to get her off Mark... Sabrina shot her twice in the chest but nothing happened "Dammit" Sabrina said quietly, realizing she had once again grabbed the wrong gun "Oh how cute... She doesn't have the right gun" Maria laughed "Maybe, but I do have my sliver blade and if I've learned anything from the boys, it's how to throw a knife and not miss" Sabrina smiled "Oh well, do demonstrate" Maria said in a mocking tone, before Sabrina even had the chance Maria knocked her to the ground, kicking her in the side a few times, then in the face. "You regretting your decision now?" Maria asked "Not. One. Bit" Sabrina replied, she was able to get her knife out a jam it into Maria's ankle. "Hey!" Sabrina heard someone yell, she then heard two gunshots and Maria fell to the ground.
Sabrina heard footsteps coming closer to her "Hey Babygirl, you're okay... I got you" Dean said softly, helping Sabrina sit up "Mark" Sabrina said, pointing to where mark was laying on the floor, Dean helped her stand and they walked over to Mark...

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