Missing Pt 2

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"Come on Sabrina!!" Dean called "I'm putting my shirt on" Sabrina called back, tripping over her own feet "And this is why we shouldn't let you hunt" Dean said, catching her "Why?" Sabrina asked "Because you're gonna end up falling and getting yourself killed" Dean replied "When have I ever fallen on a hunt?" Sabrina asked, following Dean to the garage "You fall all the time Sabrina" Dean replied "Yeah, I fell for you" Sabrina smirked "Get in the car" Dean chuckled...


"So uh... I uh... I talked to Ally while I was making dinner last night and apparently her husband redone our bedroom and he said he wasn't going to charge us for it" Sabrina said, breaking the tense silence that her and Dean had fallen in "That's nice" Dean said, clenching his jaw "D...Dean?..." Sabrina asked, almost whispering "What?" Dean asked "W...What's Wrong?" Sabrina asked "They fucking left and didn't tell me where they were going and now Sam's probably hurt" Dean snapped, hitting the steering wheel causing Sabrina to flinch, she hesitantly scooted over to Dean and put a hand on his thigh "Dean, I'm sure he'll be okay... He always is" Sabrina said, trying to convince herself as well as Dean but she could tell it wasn't working for either of them...

*Time Skip*

Dean and Sabrina arrived at the motel that Avery told them her and Sam were staying at. "You told me you didn't know where you were going" Dean said to Avery as he got out of the car, slamming the door "Dean listen" Avery said "No! You listen to me! If my brother is hurt or dead I'm going to-" Dean started "You're not going to do a damn thing Dean!" Sabrina said, stepping between him and Avery, surprised at her sudden burst of confidence "I understand how you feel but we are no good to Sam, here fighting and threatening each other! So, we're gonna find Sam and go home" She said sternly... "I'm sorry Dean... We were trying to surprise you guys, when I called to tell you Sam was missing he wasn't actually supposed to be missing" Avery said with tears in her eyes "Just come on" Dean sighed, going into the motel room...

"Where did you see him last?" Dean asked, sitting down at the table "We were here and he had left to go get food and he said he was probably gonna go up the the police department but he never came back" Avery answered "Where was he going to get food?" Sabrina asked "The Chinese place down the street" Avery replied "Okay, then let's go there" Dean said, getting up and making his way back to the car...

"Come on Vee" Sabrina sighed as she watched Dean get back in the car and slam the door once again "I feel like this is gonna be a long ride" Avery said quietly, Sabrina nodded in agreement as they walked to the car...

It was a very quiet ride, to the Chinese place, Sabrina and Avery didn't want to say anything in case it made Dean mad and Dean just didn't feel like talking at the moment...

Dean's P.O.V

I noticed Sabrina started to fidget due to the tense silence, she had told me that when there was a tense silence with her foster parents it usually meant she was in trouble, even if she hadn't done anything... "I'm sorry" I said almost in a whisper, grabbing Sabrina's hand "About?" Sabrina asked "Everything. I shouldn't have acted the way I did" I replied, looking back at Avery through the rearview mirror "It's okay" the girls said in unison "You're worried about Sam, it's understandable" Avery smiled softly "It's right up there" She said point to the Chinese restaurant "I'll go in" Sabrina said, practically getting out as I pulled up...

Sabrina's P.O.V

"Hello" I heard a friendly voice say "Hi. I was wondering if a man about 6 foot 4 with dark brown hair came in here within the past 24 hours" I said pulling up a picture of the boys "The tall one?" The lady asked "Yes, the short one is with me he's waiting in the car... The taller one, Sam is our brother and we haven't heard from I'm in a couple days and that's not normal for him so we're really worried" I explained "Yeah, he came in and got some food and left" The lady said "Did you happen to see what he was in and which way he went?" I asked "He was in a black Chevy Camaro and he went towards the Police Department and he was on the phone when he left if that means anything" The lady said "Thank you so much" I smiled "You're welcome" She smiled back...

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