The unwanted wedding guest

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Dean's P.O.V

The next morning I woke up with a small pair of hands tapping my face "Dean" I heard a small voice whisper "What?" I asked quietly, opening my eyes to see Ethan sitting on my chest "I'm hungry" Ethan whispered "Okay, let's go find you something" I said, wrapping an arm around the small child to ensure he didn't fall when I sat up "What about Aunt Sabrina?" Ethan asked "We're gonna let her sleep for as long as she wants" I answered "Oh okay" Ethan nodded. We quietly left the room and went downstairs "I want pancakes" Ethan said as I sat him down at the table "Well, let's see if Bobby has any" I smiled...

Sabrina's P.O.V

I woke up alone, Dean's spot on the bed had gone cold, indicating he had been up for a while so I rolled out of bed and made my way downstairs...

Everyone was sitting at the table, Dean had both boys in his lap and they both had a plain pancake in their hands. Jack was the first to notice me standing in the doorway, he wiggled his way off Dean's lap and ran to me, I picked him and kissed his forehead "Want shome?" Jack asked, shoving his pancake in my face "No I'm good sweetheart" I smiled "Good morning sleeping Beauty" Dean grinned "I was beginning to think you were gonna sleep all day" Dean said as I walked over to him "I almost didn't get up" I admitted "Dean made pancakes" Ethan said waving his pancake at me "I see that" I chuckled "Daddy never made pancakes" Ethan said with a frown "Well your Uncle Dean loves to make pancakes" I smiled earning a glare from Dean, as much as Dean loved pancakes he hated making them. "So uh... I invited Stephanie to the wedding" I informed "You what?" Dean asked "I invited Stephanie to the wedding" I repeated "Why?" Dean asked "Because I figured she'd want to be a part of something so important" I replied, Dean didn't say anything else which made me nervous, I sat down and tried to ignore it but it was eating me up "Dean outside now" I said almost bitterly. Dean put Ethan down and went outside with me...

"What the hell is your problem?" I asked "What do you mean?" Dean asked, looking genuinely confused "First you try to talk me out of saving my own brother and now you don't like that I invited my mother to my wedding" I snapped "Babe, I never said that... I don't like the sound of it no but if that's what you want then I don't care, she can come" Dean said, keeping calm "God you confuse me sometimes" I said, shaking my head "Sabrina... It was wrong of me to try and talk you out of saving Mark, I shouldn't have done it and I'm sorry. And about Stephanie, I don't like that you invited her but if you're okay with her coming then I'm okay with it... I just... I don't want her to try and ruin your big day" Dean said "She won't... I've already been through this with Bobby and if she tries anything I'll be the one to tell her it's time for her to leave" I replied "Dean, she was just as afraid of Able as I was... And now that he's gone I might actually have a Mom and I don't want the throw that away because of something that happend years ago" I said, tears threatening to fall "I never knew that meant so much to you" Dean said quietly "I'm sorry" He sighed, I grabbed Dean and pulled him into a hug "I love you" I whispered "I love you too" Dean said, kissing my shoulder "I'm sorry I snapped at you like that" I sighed "Don't worry about it... You're under a lot of stress right now, you just skipped three years of parenthood and went straight into the hard part" Dean replied, looking up I looked Dean dead in the eyes and was about to say something but was cut off "You look like you're ready" Dean smiled "I am" I nodded "Then let's go get our stuff and hit the road" Dean replied before pulling me into a kiss "Sabrina" I heard a small child say, I pulled away from Dean and looked down to see Ethan with tears in his eyes "What's wrong sweetheart?" I asked now pulling away from Dean entirely to pick up the small child in front of me "Do we have to go home?" Ethan asked "No baby, you and your brother gonna come live with me, Avery and Sam and Dean" I answered "Really?" Ethan asked, lighting up a bit "Yeah if you go get dressed we'll go" I smiled "But I has an ewephant on my hat" Ethan frowned, pulling his hood up "Awe come on Sabrina, he has ewephants" Dean said "We're not gonna go in anywhere" He said "Okay, go get your shoes on then, tell your brother to get his on too" I said, putting Ethan down. "Now, where were we?" I asked turning back to Dean "Hold on... I know every pajama set those boys have and neither of them have Elephant or Panda pajamas... So where did they get those?" I asked "Um... So when I went to the store last night... The boys wanted to come and they seen them and I sorta bought them" Dean smiled "Awe, you have no idea what that means to them" I smiled "What do you mean?" Dean asked "Mark never bought them stuff like that, they had two pairs of pj, five shirts and five pairs of pants and shorts and three pairs of shoes" I replied "You have literally made their whole week" I smiled "I have?" Dean asked "Yeah you have" I chuckled, Dean smiled as if he was proud of himself, which isn't something I get to see very often "Come on, let's go get our stuff" I said, walking away "Get your ass back here, we were having a moment!" Dean called "Come get me" I smirked before running upstairs but making sure there were no small child in my path...

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