The Zoo

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A few months later
June 10th
Author's P.O.V

"Hey Daddy" Dean heard Ethan say quietly "Yeah?" He asked "Where is Mommy?" Ethan asked "She's in the shower" Dean replied, picking up the six year old "Are you going to the zoo with us?" Ethan asked "No buddy me and Mommy have to go to Bobby's to fix something" Dean smiled, Ethan looked at him as if he was about to cry "Avery and Sam are gonna take you to the zoo today and then when me and Mom get back, we'll take you boys and go do something, Okay?" He said, putting pancakes on a plate for Ethan and Jack. "Okay" Ethan said, laying his head on Dean's shoulder. "Why don't you go get your brother and tell him breakfast is ready" Dean suggested. Putting Ethan back down, he ran down the hallway to get his brother "And tell him I said, if he doesn't get up, he's not going to the zoo."

"Oh so mean" Dean heard Sabrina say "Good morning gorgeous" He smiled "Where's Sam and Avery?" Sabrina asked, walking over to Dean with Raven in her arms. "They went to the hospital for Avery's check up" Dean replied, wrapping his arm around Sabrina "Daddy look" Raven said, holding her foot out to Dean "You let Mommy put shoes on you" Dean gasped, earning a giggle from the one year old...


After breakfast and after Sam and Avery got back, Sabrina and Dean got ready to leave. "So... Are you taking Tiny?" Avery asked, "Tiny" had been a nickname for Raven since she was so small. Dean called her his walking talking six month old, one year old. "Yeah, I figured it'd be easier if you guys just took the twins." Sabrina replied, putting Raven into her car seat.

Yes, Raven is one year old and can do everything a normal one year old can do but she was the size of a six month old, but so was Sabrina when she was a baby so the doctors didn't seem too worried since it was genetic...

"Oh and the boys still need to get dressed, their clothes are on their beds" Sabrina informed, now picking up the car seat and the diaper bag "Jesus woman, let me help you" Dean said, running up to her as he came back into the room "I got it just open the door" Sabrina smiled, with that they were off to Bobby's...


"Hey, if you want to go shower I can get the boys dressed" Sam smiled "No, you go ahead. I can do it" Avery replied "No, Baby please. I got the boys, you go get ready" Sam said, walking Avery to their bedroom, Avery knew she was fighting a losing battle so she gave in and got ready...

Sam walked into the Twins' bedroom and the first thing he noticed was a sad Ethan. "Hey, what's wrong Buddy" Sam asked "Why did Mommy and Daddy have to leave?" Ethan asked "Well, I do know they had to go take care of something at Bobby's but I don't know what that "Something" is" Sam replied honestly "But they'll be back before you know it" He smiled, Ethan only sighed and looked at the picture of Dean, Sabrina, Jack, Raven and himself on his nightstand. He missed his parents and wanted them there for his birthday.

Sam helped Jack get dressed then went to help Ethan "I don't wanna" Ethan said quietly "Why not?" Sam asked "Because Daddy helps me" Ethan replied "Ethan, your Dad would give anything to be here right now but he has to take care of something and he'll be back as soon as he can" Sam said softly "What if he dosen't come back?" Ethan asked "He will, he always does" Sam replied. Ethan got off his bed and walked up to Sam...

Avery had been standing in the door way silently, she couldn't help but to smiles, as scared as she was she was ready to see her husband with her kids...

Sam stood up and turned around. "How long have you been standing there? ?" Sam asked "Long enough" Avery smiled "You go get dressed, I'll keep an eye on the boys" She said, Sam nodded and left to go get ready...


"Hey Sam... I've been thinking about baby names..." Avery said quietly "Do tell" Sam replied "So for a boys, I was thinking "Hayden and Wyatt" and for girls, I was thinking "Bella and Anastasia" Avery said "I love those" Sam smiled "I love you" Avery smiled.

They were halfway to the zoo and the boys were starting to get restless and whiney "I'm hungry" Ethan whined. Sam stopped at the nearest McDonald's and got the boys some chicken nuggets and sprite, then went to a park so the boys could eat and stretch their legs a bit...


"Your boys are the cutest" a lady said to Avery "Thanks, they're actually my nephews, we've got them for a few days while my sister and her husband take care of some family business" Avery smiled "Oh. I don't think I've seen you around here" The woman said politely "No, we're just passing through, we're on our way to Sunset Zoo. The boys were getting restless so we stopped for a bit" Avery replied "Ah, Well I best be off, I've got to go get stuff for a barbecue. You guys have a safe trip" She smiled "Thanks" Avery smiled back...

"She seemed nice" Sam said quietly "Yeah, a little too nice" Avery replied "Boys come on, it's time to go" She called, the boys came running "Do either of you need to go potty before we leave?" Avery asked "No" The boys said in unison...

Sam and Avery got the boys back in the car, Ethan had asked Avery to sit with them and she almost immediately said yes. Sam, now in the driver's seat, looked back lovingly at his wife and nephews knowing someday soon that would be his wife and his kids...

*Time Skip*
Manhattan, Kansas

Sam pulled up to a hotel, Avery and the boys had fallen asleep, Sam and Avery had decided, since they got a late start, they'd stay at a hotel for the night and start fresh in the morning.

Sam carried the boys into the room, Avery had woken up as Sam was getting the boys so she grabbed their bags, Sam told her not to but she didn't listen...

"The boys played pretty hard at the park" Avery said quietly "They did, I don't see how they lasted as long as they did" Sam chuckled. "Remember who their father was" Avery smiled "Fair point" Sam smiled...


It was almost 9pm by the time the boys had woken up, Sam and Avery were still up though. Jack went back to sleep almost as soon as he woke but Ethan got scared and began to cry, Sam quickly got up and picked up the small boy, holding him close. "You're okay" Sam said softly "Where are we?" Ethan asked "We're in a hotel about five minutes away from the zoo. We didn't get here in time so we're gonna go tomorrow" Sam explained, sitting on his and Avery's bed with Ethan still in his arms...

Sam leaned back against the headboard and rocked and forth, Ethan's tight grip on Sam's shirt loosened as he slowly started falling asleep...

Sam didn't want to put Ethan down and him wake up again so he slowly moved down so he could lay on his back, Ethan was asleep on his chest and Avery moved her head to Sam's right shoulder...

Sam felt the bed shift a bit as he started falling asleep, he looked over to see Jack laying his head on his left shoulder...

They all slept comfortably in the big bed, using Sam as a pillow...

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