He's back

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Thank you little4life_for helping me out with this one.❤❤

Sabrina woke up the next morning, still laying on Dean's chest. She slowly lifted herself so she wouldn't wake Dean "Where ya goin?" Dean asked "I just have to pee. Did I wake you up?" Sabrina replied "No Baby I've been awake for a couple hours" Dean smiled..."Oh... Fuck" Sabrina gasped as a sharp pain shot through her lower stomach and pelvis "What's wrong?" Dean asked "Cramps" Sabrina replied, laying back down "That time of the month?" Dean asked "Uh huh" Sabrina nodded "Since yesterday" She said, shifting uncomfortably...

Dean maneuvered so he could get up off the bed "What are you doing?" Sabrina asked "I gotta do something, I'll be right back" Dean replied going into the bathroom... Sabrina laid there on the bed in pain and awaited Dean's return...

Sabrina had dozed off by the time Dean got finished with whatever he was doing. "Babygirl, come on" Dean said softly as he gently picked Sabrina up "What did you do?" She asked, laying her head on Dean's shoulder "You'll see" Dean smiled.

Dean walked into the dimly lit bathroom, Sabrina was hit in the face with the strong smell of lavender "You didn't" Sabrina said "I did" Dean smiled as Sabrina's face lit up "I love you so much" She said as tears filled her eyes "You enjoy your bath and I'll go get you some sweet and sour chicken" Dean said, gently putting Sabrina down "You are the fucking best" Sabrina said, pulling Dean into a kiss which Dean happily returned before trying to leave the room "Hey! I want Chicken fried rice too" Sabrina said, grabbing his hand "Yes, I know and crab rangoon" Dean nodded "You know me so well" Sabrina smiled, kissing him one last time before he left...

Sabrina stripped and got into the hot lavender bubble bath "Oh hell yeah" She sighed contently, sinking down into the water. Although Sabrina and Dean had showered the night before, Sabrina didn't really bother to pull her hair up since she was gonna shower off when she got done...

*Short Time Skip*

Dean's P.O.V

When I got back with everyone's food, Cas was sitting at the table when I walked back into the bunker, looking terrified. "Hey Cas. What's wrong?" I asked "I felt Sabrina's nightmare" Cas replied "What?" I asked "Has anyone checked on her?" Cas asked "She was taking a bath when I left" I answered "What do you mean... You felt it?" I asked "I felt it happen! I saw everything and I heard it and I couldn't do anything" Cas explained "What happened?" I asked "She was running from someone... It was Able and he caught her..." Cas started "And I couldn't do anything" He said, a tear rolled down his cheek as he continued explaining "She... She was dead when I finally got to her... There's blood everywhere... So so much blood" Cas began to shake "Hey, sit back down... She's-" I started, but was cut off by a scream coming from our bedroom... I quickly, moved around everyone and ran towards the bedroom...

I went into the bathroom, finding Sabrina sitting up and breathing heavily "Hey, baby... You're okay" I said, grabbing her towel and helping her out of the bathtub "I've got you" I said softly, wrapping the towel around her and pulling her into my arms "Dean... He was after me again" Sabrina cried "It's okay... He can't hurt you anymore" I said, stroking her head "Cas was there.... Watching... He tried to get to me but he wouldn't let him" She went on "Who wouldn't let him?" I asked... Sabrina looked up at me with fear in her eyes "You" She said quietly "Come on, lets get you dressed and we'll go out into the library and tell Cas" I said, picking her up. I turned around and Cas, Sam and Avery were standing at the door... "Really? Do you mind?" I asked "We were worried" Avery said quietly "I understand but is privacy not a thing here anymore?" I asked, earning a small giggle from Sabrina "Dean it's okay" Sabrina said in almost a whisper "Out. Please" I said sternly...

I helped Sabrina dry off and get dressed.  I grabbed a hoodie that I forgot I had and slid it over Sabrina's head, not only was Sabrina extremely short, she was very small just in general which made the hoodie fall about mid thigh on her and her hands completely disappeared "Dean.... It's too big" Sabrina giggled "It ate my hands!" She gasped, looking down to where her hands should be "Dork" I smiled "Here, put these on" I said tossing her a pair of galaxy shorts "I'm hungry" Sabrina said as she put on her shorts "Well, the quicker we finish the sooner you can eat" I replied "Well lets go then" She said. I walked over to her and picked her up bridal style for the third time today and headed for the library "Dean... I can walk" Sabrina stated, sounding a bit annoyed "Uh huh" I nodded, not putting her down "You're a dick.... You know that?" Sabrina asked "Uh huh" I nodded again...

Author's P.O.V

Dean and Sabrina walked into the library, Cas sensed them and turned around, tearing up a bit as he made eye contact with Sabrina. Sabrina tapped Dean's shoulder and asked him to put her down, when he did Sabrina slowly walked over to Cas and brings her hand up to his face wipes a few tears away Cas then does the same to Sabrina they both broke down crying, Cas pulled Sabrina into his chest and hugs her tightly, they sunk to the floor and Cas wrapped his wings around the both of them...

Sam and Dean had never seen Cas act like this so they were a little worried but they didn't say anything, they just let them have their moment. Avery had witnessed Sabrina's breakdowns first hand, she knew she would pull through but that didn't mean she wasn't worried because she was, she was very worried for her sister but just like the boys, she stood back and let Cas and Sabrina have their moment...

After about 20 minutes or so Sabrina and Cas had calmed down and let each other go, they walked over to the table and Sabrina lovingly looked down at the surprisingly still hot sweet and sour chicken that Dean had brought her "I love you guys" She smiled "Us or the food?" Sam asked "Um... Yes" Sabrina replied, earning a laugh from everyone else...

For the rest of the day no one talked about the dream Sabrina had and her and Cas tried not to think about it... "Okay that hit the spot" Sabrina smiled, pointing to her now empty plate "How does someone so small eat so much?" Sam asked "How does someone SO big eat so little?" Sabrina retorted, Sam was shocked by her comeback and wasn't sure how to reply, everyone laughed at the expression on Sam's face "Babe, I love you but the look on your face is priceless" Avery laughed... The rest of the night had gone pretty well, they ended up playing a few board games and watching movies like normal people for once. Sabrina wasn't sure about anyone else but she was enjoying every moment...

Dean and Sam had fallen asleep while watching Home and unfortunately, Cas had to leave again... "Psst. Vee" Sabrina whispered "What?" Avery asked "Wanna fuck with the boys?" Sabrina asked "Hell yeah" Avery replied. In almost a blink of the eye Sabrina and Avery were sitting on one end of the couch while Dean and Sam went from cuddling the girls to cuddling each other on the other side, the girls suppressed their laughter and took a few pictures before sitting back down and falling asleep, using each other as a pillow...

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