"Hey kid"

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Two years later

Sabrina's P.O.V

For the past two years I've fallen asleep and woken up with Dean beside me, when he went on hunts I fell asleep with him on the phone but last night I went to sleep with him beside me and woke up with everyone gone. I found a note on my nightstand with my name on it, I picked it up and read it...

"Hey Sabrina, we had to leave late for a hunt. Bobby is with us too. If you need anything Jody's phone number is on the fridge on a yellow piece of paper and I left my flannel for you, it should be on the bedpost at the foot of the bed


"Oh... Okay" I said quietly to myself. I laid back down with a sigh, I jumped out of my hide when my phone rang. I rolled over and picked it up "I could so be a bitch and not answer you" I said, looking at the caller ID. I answered, knowing if I didn't I'd be in trouble..

(On the phone)

(S) "Hello"
(D) "Hey Sabrina. Did you see my note?"
(S) "Yeah, I did. Ya should've put it on my dresser so I'd see it when I walked out of my room. I about had a panic attack when I couldn't find you guys. I came up to get my phone and I saw it on my nightstand"
(D) "Oh... Sorry"
(S) "It's fine, I'm just giving you shit. How long are you guys gonna be gone?"
(D) "Anywhere between 3 and 5 days"
(S) "Deeeaaannnn... I'm gonna miss youuuu"
(D) "I know, I'll talk as much as I possibly can"
(S) "Are you guys there yet?"
(D) "We've got another hour to go"
(S) "Let me know when you get there and when you leave"
(D) "I will. There's an envelope in your top dresser drawer with $250 cash and Bobby left you his car keys if you was to need something from the store. Bobby had Jody come get the car and top it off so you shouldn't need to put any gas in it until we get back"
(S) "Okay. Thank you guys"
(D) "Alright, I gotta go. It's my turn to drive"
(S) "Okay...I'm gonna go take a hot bath. I love you"
(D) "I love you too"

Dean's P.O.V

"Awee" Sam smiled "Shut up and get out of my car" I glared "Jerk" Sam chuckled "Bitch" I retorted as Sam and I traded spots...

*Time Skip*

We finally got to the motel "Have you called Sabrina yet?" Sam asked, wiggling his eyebrows "Sam I swear to god I'm gonna kill you" I glared "Oh come on Dean I'm just having fun. We never got to do this as kids" Sam grinned "No I haven't called her yet, I'm going to call her and then I'm taking a shower and taking a nap" I said calmly "No, you're gonna call her and we're gonna leave, I got a lead on where this Vamp is headed. Then you can take a shower" Bobby butted in "Man I hate vampires" I sighed "We all do Dean" Sam replied "Good point" I nodded then made my way outside to call Sabrina...

(On the phone)

(S) "Hey Deano"
(D) "Hey, we made it to the motel."
(S) "Oh good! What are you hunting?"
(D) "Well, We're on the trail of one Vamp but where there's one there's usually a few more or a nest so we'll see where this goes"
(S) "How are you so calm?"
(D) "Sweetheart I've done this my whole life, I could kill these sons of bitches in my sleep"
(S) "With as much as you talk in your sleep they'd hear you before you even got to them"
(D) "Hey! I don't talk in my sleep that much"
(S) "I could probably tell you, in detail what one of your dreams where"
(D) "Huh?"
(S) "Oh if only that one actually happened"
(D) "Which one"
(S) "The one where you're moaning my name"
(D) "How do you know it didn't actually happen?"
(S) "Because I was wide away and couldn't sleep"
(D) "Why didn't you wake me up?"
(S) "I didn't want to interrupt your dream, you sounded like you was really enjoying it"
(D) "You did too... You asked for a round two"
(S) "Must've been pretty good then"
(D) "Have you ever had any dreams like that?"
(S) "Yeah... It was terrifying... It was my foster dad... It felt so real and it wouldn't stop and I couldn't wake up and I couldn't move"
(D) "Did he ever touch you like that?"
(S) "He tried but his brother came into the room... His brother hated him and he knew what he would do so he hung around as much as he could"
(D) "Ya know the more stories you tell about him the better I feel about putting a bullet between his eyes"
(S)"I know... It was absolute hell there, that's why I tell you... I slept so good that night"
(D) "Wow. Alright Honey, I've got to go. I'll call you back when we get back to the motel"
(S) "Okay... I love you"
(D) "I love you too"

"Poor kid" I sighed "What?" Sam asked "The shit she went through" I replied "Nobody believed her when she would tell them and the school said she was doing it for attention" Bobby said "That's bull... Let's go get this done so we can go home" I said, heading towards the car...

Sabrina's P.O.V

I was cleaning the house a bit when there was a knock on the door, I put down my rag and made my way to the door, grabbing my gun on the way. I peeked through the little window, recognizing the man I opend the door. "Uncle John! It's so nice to see you again" I smiled "Hey Kid" He smiled "What are you doing here? I thought you went back to Scotland" I said "I did for a while but I came back three years ago" He answered "Ohhh" I nodded, letting him come in. "You've put on some weight" Uncle John pointed out "I know! The doctor said I needed to gain another 20 pounds and I'll be at the perfect weight" I grinned "I ate an entire cheeseburger the other day" I added "Bobby said you was nothing but skin and bones when you came here two years ago" Uncle John said "Yeah, I weighed 85 pounds when they took me to the doctor when I got here, they said bread, salad and pasta starting out. The first couple days were rough cause I couldn't keep anything down but we pushed through. I think it was about a year before I braved a burger but I ended up letting Dean finish it" I explained "Not to make you relive that or anything but can I ask you a question?" John asked "Yeah" I nodded "Did they not let you eat? Or did you choose not to eat?" He asked "They wouldn't let me eat, I only got one, one course meal and water every two to three days and if I went out with friends they would know if I ate something, how? I don't know but they did and it wasn't fun for me" I replied "I heard Able got shot... here" John stated, I nodded "Who got the pleasure, Bobby or one of the boys?" John asked "Dean, he was in my room when Able tried to attack me" I answered. "Can I get you anything?" I asked "Oh no, I've got to leave here before long, I've got to go get stuff for dinner tonight" John replied "Oh okay" I nodded "Will you be okay here by yourself?" John asked "Yeah, they should be home in the next day or so and I know how to use a gun... So I think I'll be okay" I smiled "Alrighty then, I probably need to get going then" John said "Okay, it was nice seeing you" I smiled "Likewise kiddo" John said, hugging me before he left...

Four hours had gone by, I've finished all the house work, I got myself a snack and I haven't heard from Dean yet, which was a little worrying. "Relax Sabrina, he said there could possibly be a nest so maybe that's where he is" I said to myself, just then my phone started ringing, it was Dean...

(On the phone)

(S) "Are you guys okay"
(D) "Yeah... We finished the job... We should be home in the morning"
(S) "Okay... Are you sure you're okay? You sound like you're in pain"
(D) "No, I'm okay"
(S) "Okay, well... I'm gonna go to bed, I'll see you in the morning. I love you"
(D) "Okay. I love you too"

"I should've kept him on the phone till I fell asleep" I sighed "Eh, I'll maybe be okay" I said. I went upstairs and grabbed Dean's flannel he left and his pillow and laid down in bed

I had been laying in bed for a good three hours or so, not being able to go to sleep "I need a dog" I said to myself. After another few minutes I got up to get a glass of water, I sat down at the table and I almost immediately got tired "What the fuck?" I asked myself "This is bull shit... I wonder if Bobby has any benadryl" I said getting up to look... I looked through the cabinets in the kitchen but didn't find any, so I went to the bathroom... "AH HA" I exclaimed, I took a couple and went and laid back down...

I laid there for another forty five minutes and finally started to drift off when I felt the bed shift, which startled me then I felt a head on my shoulder "You bitch" I sighed "What did I do?" Dean asked "I was almost asleep and you scared the shit out of me" I replied "Oh sorry" He replied "I thought you said you weren't gonna be home until tomorrow morning" I said "Babe, it is tomorrow morning. It's like 3:00am" he said "Oh" I yawned "Are you okay?" I asked "Yeah, why?" Dean asked "You're breathing weird" I replied "I have a couple broken ribs" He said "How many is a couple?" I asked "Well usually it's only two" Dean replied "Smart ass" I chuckled "Four on each side" He said, attempting to roll over on his back. Once Dean had rolled over he sat up and tried to take his shirt off but he couldn't quite lift his arms enough. "Do you need help?" I asked, sitting up myself. Dean groaned as he tried again "Yeah" He sighed. I smiled and carefully helped him take his shirt off, Dean laid back down and I tossed his shirt in the floor beside his pants, which I assume he took off before he got into bed.
"Good night Dean" I said, laying my head on his shoulder as I laid back down "Good night Babygirl" Dean sigh tiredly. I ran my hand down his arm and grabbed his hand as sleep finally took over...

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