Family Night

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The next Morning Sabrina and Avery got up and made breakfast and made plans for that night. Since they were finally home they wanted to have a family night, whether it be, watching movies or playing games, or just sitting around the table talking.

So far, Jody, Bobby and James, and Elizabeth were coming and then obviously everyone at the house, now the only task was getting the kids up for school...

Sabrina stands from the table and heads upstairs

"Boy's come on! I'm not telling you again," Sabrina sighs "Do we have to?" Ethan groans "Yes, and if I have to come back it's gonna be with your father, and he's not gonna be happy because he didn't sleep very well last night," Sabrina says sternly, remembering she hadn't brushed her teeth yet "You have until I get dressed to get up," She says before walking to the bedroom...

Sabrina's P.O.V

I walk into the bedroom and find Dean getting dressed "Good morning," I smile "Good morning gorgeous," Dean yawns "You're actually talking?" I gasp "Shut up," Dean rolls his eyes "Are the boys up?" He asks "No, I told them they have until I get dressed to get up," I reply stripping from Dean's shirt "Then what?" Dean asks "Then I was gonna get you," I reply, Dean chuckles and nods then lays back on the bed "We're having family night tonight after the kids get home and Jody gets off work," I inform, going into the bathroom "Pick out my clothes."

Author's P.O.V

Dean rolls off the bed and walks over to the closet and pulls out a blue and white striped dress and a pair of black sandals...

"I'm gonna go get the boys up, your clothes are on the bed," Dean calls before leaving the room.


"Boys come on, get up," Dean says, going into their bedroom. The boys jump and sit up quickly "Yes, Sir" They say in unison as they get up to get dressed.

Dean then walks down to the kitchen, finding Avery making pancakes "Go get dressed, I'll finish breakfast." Dean smiles "Are you sure?" Avery asks "Yeah, go." Avery nods her head and heads upstairs.

Avery went into her and Sam's bedroom, hearing the shower running, she smiles and goes into the bathroom to join Sam. "Good Morning, Princess," Sam smiles "Good morning," Avery smiles "Have they noticed?" Sam asks "I think Sabrina noticed, but I don't think Dean's awake yet," Avery giggles
"Probably not, when do you wanna tell them?"
"I was thinking about tonight since everyone will be here."
Sam nods and finishes his shower, he then turns to wash Avery's hair. Avery closes her eyes and moans quietly at the feeling.


Sabrina and Avery walk out of their rooms at the same time "Huh, nice dress," Sabrina smiles, seeing they were wearing the same thing. "We've lived together too long," Avery giggles "A bit," Sabrina replies, linking arms with Avery and walking downstairs.

"Good morning, Momma," Ethan and Jack smile, sitting at the table, fully dressed, with a plate of pancakes and a cup of cocoa. "I'm seeing double," Sam chuckles "That looks so much better on you than I had pictured," Dean says practically drooling. Avery and Sabrina only smile and start to make their plates "I think they want something," Sabrina smiles "Probably, but we should not say anything and make them tell us."

After breakfast, Sabrina got Ethan and Jack in the car "Momma I don't want to go" Ethan pouts "Why not Baby?" I ask "Because I miss Daddy... I miss my real Daddy" Ethan says with tears in his eyes "Awe Baby, I miss him too, every day but listen to me... He's still with you, you  just can't see him" Sabrina says trying to fight the tears "Where?" Ethan asks "Right here," She says pointing to Ethan's heart "Daddy wouldn't want you to worry or cry for him, he wants you to be happy, I know it's hard but we can't be upset about it all the time, he wouldn't want that" Sabrina smiles, Ethan nods and wipes his tears and tries to smile, Sabrina leans forward and plants a lingering kiss on Ethan's forehead. "Are you gonna be okay?" Sabrina asks, Ethan nods and smiles a little brighter seeing Cas appear behind Sabrina "Okay Baby" Sabina smiles and turns around. "Christ on a cracker! Cas!! Stop doing that" Sabrina exclaims, earning a giggle from Ethan "Ethan forgot his bag and you left your phone on the table" Cas chuckles "Thank you" Sabrina smiles, taking the bag and her phone, she kissed Cas' cheek then got in the car "We'll be back about noonish unless we stay in town and just pick up the boys since they get out of school at 1" She informs "Okay be careful" Cas nods before going back into the house...

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